Discussion This Is a Call - Microsoft needs competition


Dec 27, 2016
After reading about the 11 'Bug" that affects the Ryzen series I wasn't very surprised. I have been around system computing since 1970s era broadcast and machine automation. These days I spend most of my time in content creation, mixing and editing various media both audio and video for musicians and artists.

Everyone in the industry knows Intel and Microsoft have been in bed with each other for years and when Intel loses money so does Microsoft. You would have a very hard time convincng me at this point that these 15% (or more we haven't seen yet) performance hits with windows 11 were not done on purpose and it will be interesting to see just how soon this gets resolved and what else will happen next.

Many times over the years I have spoken to software company executives and suggested creating software that would run on linux or possibly as its own entity run from bios and i have always heard the same answer: "why would anyone build corporate commercial software to run on a freebie operating system? besides windows has done all the operational work for us"

Speaking for myself I am locked to windows because of direct x but that's the only reason. I work and play in an asio based near zero latency world where the fastest pcie and nvme drives, cpus and gpus are never enough and there's not enough pcie lanes for all the interfaces I need, no matter who is building the chips today but I have to fight windows constantly for permissions, interruptions and system defaults.

Google is too interested in web domination to get involved in this but I wish some creative minds out there would get the people and create a new operating system company and give Microsoft some competition. Create something that is not apple based or linux based but is its own entire entity, focused on content creators and gaming and built for speed instead of trying to control our hardware the way they want, to be able to run things at peak performance, where overclocking and latency become things of the past.

Let Microsoft die with the boomers and the old enterprise way of things and take all the 300$ department store laptop brands (rhymes with age pee, also in bed with intel and Microsoft) with them.

It's time for a change. We need a viable, competitive, commercialized, enterprise level competitive solution that can do everything they do now, but better with more user control and better performance and less bugs, intentional (oops) or otherwise.

Even if the only thing it did was make Microsoft sharper and more competitive again its still a win. Same as the everlasting team red and blue.

Maybe get someone like Bezos or Musk involved, they both seem to love a good battle and neither of them could make me belive they havent had to fight windows for defaults or something along the way and I would also bet none of those rockets have anything Microsoft based running them. So they may be more than halfway there.

If you agree with me then continue this thread.

This "bug" is why you let others be the guinea pigs.
Let them be the early adopters and identify any weirdness.

Apple and Linux. And neither of those are necessarily bug free, especially Day 1 things.

Bring a whole enterprise level ecosystem to market is non-trivial.
The Year of Linux on the Desktop has been a meme for a decade or two. Not there yet, if ever.
Apple? Expensive niche.
Google can only really compete in the phone/tablet arena.

For a real enterprise thing you also need competitors for Office, mail, server, desktop, Teams, file sharing, etc, etc.
This will take years and billions of $$.
Also, it has to not 'just as good', but demonstrably better than Microsoft.

This 5-15% "bug" is transient and will be fixed in an update.
NO OS rollout is bug free. None of them. ever.
I totally agree, and we may not see it in our lifetime but still, a good dose of competition for them would be fun to watch.....🤣

Maybe some teenager will see this and make this his or her lifes career choice, you never know
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Well, first of all windows 11 is still in beta and this is the reason that beta exists, to sort out issues before the real launch.

Secondly I can see how this could be a legal issue where MS just doesn't have the legal right to use IP from AMD/intel and has to wait for the companies to give them the info.
I mean the issue with cppc could need microcode to be resolved and MS wouldn't be allowed to use AMD microcode without AMD allowing them to.
The cache issue might need knowledge about specific cache layout or other info that is under copyright.