This is the Tech Support Chat I had with microsoft regarding my damaged DVD's I ordered of Windows 8


Oct 31, 2010
info: at 1:59:47
Thank you for choosing Microsoft Store. An Answer Tech will be with you shortly.
info: at 1:59:47
Privacy Statement
You are now chatting with 'Rhasty'.
Rhasty: at 1:59:53
Thank you for chatting Microsoft Store, my name is Rhasty, how may I help you today?
You: at 2:00:26
Rhasty, I was just speaking to you about a windows 8 purchased that the discs did not weork
You: at 2:00:32
how do we resolve this
You: at 2:00:49
Courtrooms are not my fovorite places
Rhasty: at 2:01:40
I'm sorry to hear that your having some issue with your windows 8 operating system. I will be more than happy to help you with your windows 8 inquiry.
Rhasty: at 2:01:42
In order to better service you, may I ask where you purchased your software?
You: at 2:01:56
I want my M O N E Y B A C K
You: at 2:02:11
Right here online
Rhasty: at 2:02:42
May I know if you purchase the product on the
You: at 2:03:07
Yes it was at the Online Store
Rhasty: at 2:03:26
May I have your order number please?
You: at 2:03:27
Windows 8.1 Full Version 32 & 64 Bit
You: at 2:03:47
can you hold on a min
Rhasty: at 2:04:55
You: at 2:06:00
Please hold on
Rhasty: at 2:06:17
You: at 2:08:00
I cant find the order number can you pull it by name
Rhasty: at 2:08:20
I have not heard from you for a few moments. Do you wish to continue our chat session?
You: at 2:08:40
Rhasty: at 2:08:50
I will try, May I have your full name, Telephone number including your Email address please?
You: at 2:08:55
I need you to pull my order I can not find it
You: at 2:09:02
You: at 2:09:10
Rob G. Culbertson
Rhasty: at 2:09:58
Thank you, how your phone number and email address please?
You: at 2:10:59
Phone email addfress is one of 2 1st is
You: at 2:11:13
Rhasty: at 2:11:25
Thank you, Just for verification, May I have the last four digit of your credit card please?
You: at 2:11:35
Rhasty: at 2:11:47
Thank you. May I have 2-3 minutes to pull up your file please?
You: at 2:12:05
Yes you may just let me know when your back
You: at 2:12:14
thank you
Rhasty: at 2:12:21
Your welcome.
Rhasty: at 2:13:31
Thank you for waiting.
Rhasty: at 2:13:37
I already pulled up your order.
You: at 2:13:46
Rhasty: at 2:13:48
I can see here that its a physical product.
You: at 2:14:17
Yes it is, 2 DVD's one is 32 bit and one is 64 Bit and one Product Key
Rhasty: at 2:14:35
For this one, we need to process a return and refund so that you can have your money back.
You: at 2:15:00
I wouild like a replacement DVD for both Bits as both discs are defective
You: at 2:15:31
I want the product
You: at 2:15:41
just the Disc's afre not good
Rhasty: at 2:16:23
Did you try to call our windows 8 tech support to assist you with the installation of your Windows 8.1 pro product?
You: at 2:16:37
No I did not
You: at 2:16:54
I was eventually able to get it in
You: at 2:17:07
and all works fine
You: at 2:17:40
I do not want to deactivate anything just leave all as is it is now a working product
Rhasty: at 2:19:21
I see, correct me if I'm wrong but did not try to use the product?
You: at 2:20:10
You: at 2:20:54
The purpose of this chat is to inform your company that sometimes the DVD's can be defective
Rhasty: at 2:21:21
I apologize for the inconvenience.
Rhasty: at 2:21:56
I will give you a reference number of our conversation.
Rhasty: at 2:22:02
You: at 2:22:06
SO NO REFUND IS NECESSARY NOR IS A REPLACEMENT, I love the high standard microsoft lives buy and love there product
Rhasty: at 2:22:40
Alright, once again I apologize for he inconvenience, Is there anything else that I can assist you with?
You: at 2:23:05
Nope just keep putting out awesome products
Rhasty: at 2:23:32
Thank you for visiting Microsoft Store, once again this is Rhasty and have a great day.
Rhasty: at 2:23:39
Bye and take care. :)
I know I probably came up to that Thin Grey Line one too many times, I appreciated you and your moderators for taking the care and consideration in letting me stay a member.

I have now taken this up directly with Microsoft Software Corporation LLC

I felt it was better than ranting or bad mouthing on a company in a 3 party site.

I have learned alot from this experience and do appreciate the consideration.
