This Laptop Pad Promises To Protect from Radiation

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"Medical experts like Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Dr. Joseph Mercola have both expressed the importance of limiting your exposure to laptop radiation and heat especially for men and pregnant women"
So these people made a 100$ pad to help people..
Solution binder filled with aluminum = 1$

Also don't aren't most laptops have those metallic sheets on the bottom of the interior of the casing that does just that? Also wouldn't the fcc have disallowed the products that emit too much emr?

I like this part: "potentially harmful Electromagnetic Radiation". So much research done here :)
Hmm..I knew about cell phones giving off radiation, but never really thought about laptops. My teenager plays games on his laptop on his lap all day!
If your laptop is getting uncomfortably hot, the last thing you want to put under it is a layer of thermal EMR-blocking insulation... much better off with a laptop cooling pad.

If the cooling pad is made of stamped sheet aluminum, it will provide just as much EMR blocking too.
Hmm..I knew about cell phones giving off radiation, but never really thought about laptops. My teenager plays games on his laptop on his lap all day!
Toasted Skin Syndrome. Sounds legit. Why NASA isn't buying this thing by the thousands to coat the ISS to protect the astronauts from space radiation?

Oh, because they don't do shit. Figures.
This just seems like fearmongering to me. The difference between heat and electromagnetic radiation are also poorly distinguished. The word "radiation" seems to be associated with awful things. But the term fails to distinguish between the various types of radiation, which can include more than just light. But the two main categories of light radiation are ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.

Ionizing can be generalized as harmful, especially with extended exposure. Non-ionizing is mostly harmless (as far as we know). In terms of EM radiation, which is light, it only gets harmful when you start getting to high energy photons (where it becomes ionizing). So things start getting bad when you approach UV-rays, and only get worse as you get to x-rays and gamma-rays... you know, the kind of radiation that computers don't really give off in the first place. Although, people might argue that radio waves, or other communication bands do pose a threat to our health. But I think at the moment, that's fairly inconclusive. I don't think there's any strong evidence for that view, at least not yet. I also doubt laptops are microwaving our assets.

Really, it doesn't seem this product is geared towards EM radiation as much as just plain ol' heat. These are two completely different issues-- EMR and heat are different concepts. Athough, EMR can cause heat or burns for sure. But I'm pretty sure your laptop doesn't get hot or give you burns because it's supposedly blasting out high-energy rays.


Tom's is spending too much time sensationalizing and not fixing the forums and comment system.
@ Azn Cracker

You're correct, however the issue is the combination of radiation and heat that bombards your giblets from prolonged usage of your laptop on your lap.
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