This one will make you uncomfortable guys ... guys ... <pukes>

Is this the best you can post here. Pretty pathetic.

No its close to my saddest effort old man.

Are you saying I am personally pathetic or the post is ?

Its an important distinction you might want to explore in terms of wondering about some of those failed relationships in your past.

People don't mind when others criticise their work but nobody likes it when you criticise someone as a person.

Its an area marv where the older generation are often misconstrued as being downright nasty, contankerous and grumpy.

When I visit nan in the old people's home there are a few with signs on them that say "Beware ... this one bites".

Lets polish up your glasses and get you on the happy road.

I have a spare Armadillo hat if you want me to post it to you?

Your post is pathetic and your words are not that kind either. Some day pal you will become old also!

See ... your improving with each post marv.

That one barely left a burn mark ... and nobody lost an eye either.

I'll give you the benefit of some wise words I try to live by :

Focus on the situation, issue or behaviour ... not the person.

If your critical within the above boundaries with qualifiers people don't mind.

If you focus negatively on the person, from a dispositional or personality point then most people lash back at you ... why ... well because someone's personality as at their core ... its not something you can change easily.

We kind of all instinctively know that ... we might not use these words as such ... but we understand it.

One can always modify their behaviour, respond better to a situation, issue or problem.

Good night sir.

/reynod puts his teeth in the glass of water.

Everyone knows that human horn is one of the best aphrodisiacs in the galaxy...

I feel your pain Marv, knowing that there is literally a man out there with no penis getting more sex than me wants to make me misdirect my anger at Reynod, but then I just ctl+shift+p .....

Did you stop taking your meds again?