this question is a bit different ! PLZ HELP !!

The G-Man

Jun 30, 2015
Hi everyone
today my father has found a mail in his e-mail inbox saying that he won a permanent resident green card in the united states and the thing is that he did requested an immigration to the usa
but we're so confused cuz we don't know if it is a real mail or scam
their email is : is it the real kentucky consular center or it's just a scam ? plz help me everyone
An easy way to tell that this wasn't from the consular center, all u.s. government related websites or email addresses are from the ".gov" domain. This was from ".com" which is supposed to be used for commercial websites. Notice the information unksol provided and how their legitimate address ends in .gov while the one in the email you're referring to is .com .

" Important Notice: The Department of State has only one Kentucky Consular Center. Other organizations using similar names have no connection to the Department of State or KCC. There is no fee charged by the Department or KCC for submitting an online entry for the DV lottery program. The Kentucky Consular Center does NOT notify successful DV applicants by letter or email. Entrants must check the status of their entries by returning to the website at to find out if their entry was or was not selected. No other organization or company is authorized by the Department of State to notify Diversity Visa lottery applicants of their winning entry. See our Fraud Warning."

the thing that made me frustrated that this email have a case number and have informations about our immigration info :/

An easy way to tell that this wasn't from the consular center, all u.s. government related websites or email addresses are from the ".gov" domain. This was from ".com" which is supposed to be used for commercial websites. Notice the information unksol provided and how their legitimate address ends in .gov while the one in the email you're referring to is .com .
It is scam.

i got the same email last week. i almost believed it. but when i went to the homepage and checked the application status with the case number it gave me , as I did not remember exactly what it was when i applied. The number doesnt exist at all.
Oh..anyways thnx so much for help bro !! :)


It says Based on the information provided, the Entry HAS NOT BEEN SELECTED for further processing for the Electronic Diversity Visa program at this time. 🙁