Thoughts on my pc build?


Dec 15, 2013
Hi guys!
After a long time of console gaming I decided to switch to pc gaming,ill be building my own pc and was wondering what you guys(the experts) think of it?

I hope to play bf4 maxed out with good fps but thats a bit nieve but ill leave that up to you guys
I also play lots of fps games,plus skyrim and sometimes wow,civ 5 and stuff similar to that
Also i will be ocing plus i do some 3d renders and video editing but nothing too extream
Thanks in advance!

Okay i have a few questions.
Why would i change the psu,it has more watts on it?
And the cpu i choose has more speed thus better in over clocking(or not?)
I apoligize i am not that experienced
And as for the gpu i went with your advice but going with a MSI geforce 760 superclocked mostly because it looks better and is cheaper