I've been approached by one of my friends dads to build his younger son an entry level build which includes screen, mouse keyboards and everything in-between.
Main usage will be light gaming, mine craft, Teamfortress 2 and other similar light games.
I want to incorporate some hardware that will prolong the life of the machine and offers him upgradability for the future. Like a beefed PSU, and a stronger GPU for example
He also wants a duel screen setup, but i'd rather go with 1 big screen for now an buy a second later on in the coming months. Also wants a 2TB drive but a 1TB is £20 cheaper because i'm over budget as of now.
OS £70.44 Win 7 64bit Home Premium
CASE £65.76 Zalman -ms800 Plus
MOBO £50.36 Gigabyte GA 970a
RAM £34.08 Corsair DDR3 1333Mhz
CPU £75.58 AMD FX 4300
GPU £63.32 XFX AMD HD 7750
PSU £47.40 Corsair CX500
HDD £61.07 WD WD20EZRX 2TB
D/DRIVE ......... .........
Duel Screens
1 £75.83 Asus VS207 19"
2 £75.83 Asus VS207 19"
Single Screen
1 £93.89 PACKARD BELL 24"
Total £619
Total w/ 1 screen £561.90
Total w/ 1tb drive &^ £546.55
What are your thoughts on this? How could i make it a cheaper to fit within the budget (keeping in mind haven't got mouse or keyboard in there as well)
Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!
EDIT - As with anything he'll be walking towards more demanding games in the future
I've been approached by one of my friends dads to build his younger son an entry level build which includes screen, mouse keyboards and everything in-between.
Main usage will be light gaming, mine craft, Teamfortress 2 and other similar light games.
I want to incorporate some hardware that will prolong the life of the machine and offers him upgradability for the future. Like a beefed PSU, and a stronger GPU for example
He also wants a duel screen setup, but i'd rather go with 1 big screen for now an buy a second later on in the coming months. Also wants a 2TB drive but a 1TB is £20 cheaper because i'm over budget as of now.
OS £70.44 Win 7 64bit Home Premium
CASE £65.76 Zalman -ms800 Plus
MOBO £50.36 Gigabyte GA 970a
RAM £34.08 Corsair DDR3 1333Mhz
CPU £75.58 AMD FX 4300
GPU £63.32 XFX AMD HD 7750
PSU £47.40 Corsair CX500
HDD £61.07 WD WD20EZRX 2TB
D/DRIVE ......... .........
Duel Screens
1 £75.83 Asus VS207 19"
2 £75.83 Asus VS207 19"
Single Screen
1 £93.89 PACKARD BELL 24"
Total £619
Total w/ 1 screen £561.90
Total w/ 1tb drive &^ £546.55
What are your thoughts on this? How could i make it a cheaper to fit within the budget (keeping in mind haven't got mouse or keyboard in there as well)
Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!
EDIT - As with anything he'll be walking towards more demanding games in the future