Thoughts on this university? PLEASE HELP


Jun 10, 2013
First of all, i should say what area of IT i specifically want to work in: Networking and Information Systems. I want to become a Network Engineer, but i know it will take years of experience, gotta climb the ladder like everyone else. Okay, so the place im thinking of attending now is Neumont University in Salt Lake City, Utah. At first i was really not thinking of seriously going there, since i live in Southern California, and moving to Utah... i dont know, i still dont actually. But the more i look into it, the better it sounds, more perfect it seems, and the more i seriously want to go! UGH, why cant there be one in SoCal!?

Not sure about accreditation, but does that really matter? Not like im going to be transferring to a State College or anything anyways. But does it matter to employers?

So the reviews here seem pretty much as glowing as the sun, take a look. Here is the BSIS catalog, i plan on getting that degree if i do attend. And here is the most recent catalog, go to page 70 of the catalog or page 70 of your Adobe PDF reader for the tuition and fees. I did the quick math and its going to be about $90k for my Bachelors, BSIS, but thats before any financial aid, i still have to do my FAFSA, and my parents are pretty low income on paper, but we are actually living quite comfortably, nevertheless, they claim their annual income to be under $20k, not sure if thats true, but if it is, I should get a hefty chunk of change from free financial aid, right? Im also going to work for a year after i graduate (HS Senior right now) to save for a car, and college obviously, and that year will give me time to do a sh*t load of scholarship opportunities. FYI, my parents will be unable to financially support me, so it'll be all on me, but i believe if i actually get my sh*t done, i can afford it, and entry level IT jobs can pay not too badly... hopefully i get one of those good paying jobs though lol. I also love how there is a hands on, team, and project focus on their programs, because i learn the best through hands on experience, especially in technology and computer stuff.

Sorry for so much text, but what do you guys think about it? Should i really go? My biggest fear(s) is that it will be a waste- as in i will learn nothing, not learn enough to be industry competent, employers will not like the school on my resume, or i will get ripped off. Do you guys think this will happen? Will this be a good school to attend to get a serious IT/Networking job and to be able to get into high position IT jobs? I know i will need to get certifications, but set that aside for now while thinking if the school will be taken seriously by employers.

Please leave any help and feedback at all. I really need some guidance and help right now, especially industry pro's. Thank you so much.
If you properly move to Utah and get a job, you may be able to become a citizen and possibly get an in-state discount. Something to look into. The difference for me in my state was about $2k/sem in-state and $10k/sem out-of-state.

$90k is expensive. Assuming I had the grades and the means to cover the cost of living, I could have gotten a degree from a top 10 world wide Uni in many tech and research fields for $24k because of in-state tuition reduction.