Thoughts/Opinions on my PC build


Jan 15, 2015
Hey everyone, so I've been upgrading my pre-built PC (Acer Veriton M275) bit by bit and ultimately, I will end up with a new computer altogether.

What I currently have:

CPU: Intel Pentium E5800 dual core @ 3.2 GHz
Motherboard: Acer Veriton M275
RAM: 2x4GB Crucial Ballistix Sport (currently only using 1 of the 2 sticks)
Hard Drives: 250GB Samsung 850 Evo SSD, 2TB Seagate Barracuda HDD
GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 960 (1 million edition)
Case: Acer Veriton M275
Power Supply: Corsair CX600M
Optical Drive: Asus DVD/CD Writer

What I plan to get:

CPU: Intel i5 4690K quad core @ 3.5 GHz
CPU cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo
Motherboard: Asus Z97-A ATX LGA1150
Case: Corsair 500R White ATX mid tower

This is what I'll end up with.

I'd like to get your thoughts/opinions on whether or not this PC will be overkill for the kinds of things it's used for; the only resource-intensive things will be playing Witcher 3 and occasionally converting videos. Otherwise it will mainly be used to play League of Legends (among other smaller games), office work, and some sound mixing/editing. I've spent $700 so far and with the parts I plan on getting, it will roughly cost about another $700 so if any ideas you guys have ends up cutting some costs, that'll be a bonus :)


Legenda in Aeternum


the E5800 is circa 2010, if upgrading to a new CPU and mobo, and the PSU is anywhere near that old, I would give strong thought to a new PSU, especially if running a CX, PSUs don't run forever and they do weaken as they age


Jan 15, 2015

Sorry, I should've been more clear; the RAM, Hard Drives, GPU, and PSU are all new. I heard the CX series wasn't very good but only after I bought and installed it...

Also, did not realize the link above was broken. It should be working now.