I've premade my build here: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/ZCCsvK
I believe it can handle most games at high settings with great fps correct? Med-high 60+ fps maybe ultra with 40+fps?
Example: TF2, Minecraft, DayZ SA, BF4 other games I migh be into..
I also did allot of research and this is my first thought of making a gaming PC. I'm sure the cpu or gpu won't bottleneck each other.
I'm also assuming I'm going to have to buy thermal paste for the cpu cooler & that I would need to get a wireless network adaptor to connect via wifi correct? If not correct me please.
Power supply should manage to power all of them right? 80+ bronze I believe.
I also have my own mouse, and monitor no keyboard.
My friend states he can get me a OS for around $30 So that is ok.
Anything that looks wrong with this?
The mobo? The case? Critic or comment is welcome.
As stated I am a noobie and still researching tons loads.
Oh and my budget was around $550..
I believe it can handle most games at high settings with great fps correct? Med-high 60+ fps maybe ultra with 40+fps?
Example: TF2, Minecraft, DayZ SA, BF4 other games I migh be into..
I also did allot of research and this is my first thought of making a gaming PC. I'm sure the cpu or gpu won't bottleneck each other.
I'm also assuming I'm going to have to buy thermal paste for the cpu cooler & that I would need to get a wireless network adaptor to connect via wifi correct? If not correct me please.
Power supply should manage to power all of them right? 80+ bronze I believe.
I also have my own mouse, and monitor no keyboard.
My friend states he can get me a OS for around $30 So that is ok.
Anything that looks wrong with this?
The mobo? The case? Critic or comment is welcome.
As stated I am a noobie and still researching tons loads.
Oh and my budget was around $550..