Thread Stuck In Device Driver


Aug 27, 2013
So as the title mentions that is the error I keep getting. This is a work computer for a small company so we have no real tech support.

Specs are a A10 7870k
8gbs of Ram
Some Asrock Mobo FM2A88M

No gpu as we mostly just just outlook, excel, word and web browser
Anyways it stays on for about 2 minutes before kicking back to that error. Any info will help. We had been using win10 since May though with no issues

Gonna have to find out what the exact mobo is to find the right BIOS for it, don't know if 2 minutes is enough time to fix the driver issue. The following may work if you can get it going.

If you have graphics or driver issues, one of the most common fixes is a clean uninstall and removal of your graphics drivers.

To uninstall your drivers, first download and run Display Driver Uninstaller, and follow it's recommendations of booting into safe mode and ect.
(This is a direct download link so you don't grab the wrong version),20.html

You'll download a compressed file called...

Gonna have to find out what the exact mobo is to find the right BIOS for it, don't know if 2 minutes is enough time to fix the driver issue. The following may work if you can get it going.

If you have graphics or driver issues, one of the most common fixes is a clean uninstall and removal of your graphics drivers.

To uninstall your drivers, first download and run Display Driver Uninstaller, and follow it's recommendations of booting into safe mode and ect.
(This is a direct download link so you don't grab the wrong version),20.html

You'll download a compressed file called "[]"
Right click and choose extract.
Go into the folder and run the DDU v##.##.exe
This will extract more files to this folder.
Run Display Driver Uninstaller.exe
Choose Yes when it asks you to boot into SafeMode.
After you've rebooted into safe mode.
When DDU comes up, if it hasn't selected your GPU manufacturer (Nvidia/AMD/Intel) then choose it from the drop down list
Press the Clean and Restart option
If a window comes up asking to disable the Windows automatic installation of display drivers click yes.

After (or before removing the old drivers, just put the new ones on the desktop or somewhere handy) rebooting back into Windows, manually download the latest drivers from Nvidia or AMD, don't use auto detect, choose you GPU model and OS from the drop down lists.

I have dual graphics amd hd 7700 plus on chip 7540 kept getting thread stuck in device driver after updating catalyst control center. Went to older and downloaded older catalyst control no problems since.