Three monitor gaming


Apr 26, 2014
Discussion on which graphics card is the best for full settings ultra gaming multi monitors 5760x1080 resolution.

Hi guys I have a gaming custom built PC at the moment and recently I have added 3 monitors onto one card the vtx3D 7850 with two DVI connections which are connected to 24 inch monitors hdmi and the third monitor just a HDMI connection. I play games such as bad company 2 which runs fine on ultra/highest settings with no lag. But games like call of duty and battlefield 3 or Sid misers civ 5 lags on the highest settings or has graphical glitches such as the terrain textures on civ 5.

If anyone could recommend the perfect graphics card for my system it would be great. I was recommended the amd R9 270x but I am really not sure.

For a 3 monitor Eyefinity setup I would recommend getting the R9 290X or If you want to go Nvidia, get the GTX 780Ti. For multiple monitors the R9 290X is a little bit better than the GTX 780Ti since it has more VRAM.

Would this graphics card be capable of running the newest games at good FPS and on ultra settings?

Good fps? Yes, but if you want ultra in games like BF4 you'll need two of those cards. Just to clarify, are you running games across all three screens?

As you can see, the best card is the HD 7990, but that's just two 7970s (the 7970 is roughly equal to the R9 280X) in crossfire so two R9 290Xs in crossfire should play the game smoothly.

Alternatively you could with the R9 295X, but that's only if you want those two R9 290Xs on one card (it's a waste of money really).

Ok thanks very much for now I think what I will do is wait to hear what offer people have to say and then decide but for now i will look into the R9 290x and maybe in the future look to crossfire two of them thanks for you help!

Also would I have to upgrade CPU aswell currently i have the AMD Fx(tm)-4100 Quad-Core Processor 3.60 GHz?

On my current motherboard I only have one GPU slot could you recommend a motherboard for me for a mid tower case?

I have a 780 watt power supply with a amd fx quad core processor 3.60 GHz

The power supply is good (as long as the brand is not completely unknown). I would recommend the board I have, the Asus M5A99FX pro 2.0. Great overclocking potential and features and it supports SLI and crossfire in dual 16X mode (a better link between the cards than with 970 chipset motherboards).

EDIT: You might want to get a better CPU if you really want to get into newer games (the CPU you have will bottleneck even a single R9 290X).

My power supply is a G7 power extreme 780W I do like that motherboard later I will think about upgrading. I also watch a youtube video last night on a review of the 290x and apparently amd tested the graphics with crossfire and saw no big difference, maybe something we both should look into. And as for my CPU I will keep for now too and look to upgrade in the future.