Three Monitors: One Graphics Card or Two?


Jul 12, 2013
I was using and HD6670 to run three monitors, and it really wasn't doing the job I needed it to do, so I went and invested in an HD7790 to replace it.

My question now, is should I just run all three monitors off of the HD7790, or just the main, 27" monitor, and the two "side" monitors, 22", off of the 6670? Would I get better performance in full screen games if it isn't also feeding the side monitors?

Also, my 6670 doesn't have dual DVI outputs, just one, with a DSUB and an HDMI. Eyefinity won't work with all three monitors due to the DSUB, so, if I use an HDMI > DVI cable, will windows recognize the second monitor as digital rather than analog?

The other question, is there a way to test it to see which setup is better? I'm using both cards now, and Windows is perfectly happy, but what is the best way to find out which setup is better?


No you don't. he said he was gaming on one monitor. And a requirement of eyefinity is they all run off the same card.

The 6670 is not worth using in this config. unless you're running low end sims you'll only want to game on one monitor with that card.


Jul 12, 2013
I have both monitors installed right now, and Eyefinity works using both cards on two of the three monitors.

Before installing the second card, all three monitors were connected to the 7790, it has four outlets, two DVI, an HDMI, and a Graphics Port. Eyefinity worked on all three with the single card.

I'm just trying to improve performance, if possible.
