Three-way SLI GTX 970 + 750Ti for Physx or Quad-way Crossfire R9 390? 3D Rendering and Gaming


May 20, 2015
Hi guys, I was looking for a graphic card setup to run with i7 5820-K and 32GB 2400Mhz RAM and that I can upgrade future... I will start with a single GTX 970 or R9 390.

Three-way SLI GTX 970 + 750Ti for Physx or Quad-way Crossfire R9 390?

I will use them to 3ds Max, AutoCAD, Photoshop, Maya, Illustrator, Premiere, etc, and gaming as well in 3 1920x1080 screens further

And did a 1000W PSU will be enough for them?

Please help me guys!

PS: I'm not rich and there will be a long time between these upgrades.
PS2: Sorry for my poor English skills, (I'm brazilian).
Ah, sorry guys, forget this thread...

Three way and 4 way setups do not scale that well I would recommend saving and getting sli 980tis or titan x sli. The 5820k does not have 40 pci lanes so if your mobo doesnt have plx you will only be able to do 2 way sli or tri xfire. Also a dedicated phsyx card will only be helpful in the handful of games that support physx like batman and borderlands series. Start out with a 980ti and then go from there but a single 980ti will out preform sli 970s in some cases