Thursday Deals: Eight Days Until Christmas!

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"32" Sharp LC32DV27UT LCD HDTV with built-in DVD Player for $3770 with free shipping (list $574.99)"

I fail to see how this is a good deal...
"32" Sharp LC32DV27UT LCD HDTV with built-in DVD Player for $377.09 with free shipping (list $574.99)"

its 377.09 not 3k and that's a good deal.
So tempting to get a second PSP...
The PSPgo (which I have) can be hacked. Yay. You just need 6.1 firmware and a specific game... (though maybe with the upcoming UMD drive for the PSPgo, those who haven't gotten the 6.2 firmware can just buy the game on UMD, becuase downlading it requires a firmware update, and hack it from there).

Why can't I have an easier to hack PSP? =D
Why does the PSPgo cost $80 more when it costs less to produce?

Why would I pay $2199 for a 17" laptop that only has a 9600M GT? For $2000, you can get a pretty awesome sager (i7, GTX 280M etc.).
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