TI-84 Graph question


Nov 3, 2014
I have my calculator set to ask me the values for the y= equation. Sometimes it give me a decimal. Can i take it out of the graph table back to the main screen?
On the Home screen, you can find/use values of Y1 by just indicating the x-value in parentheses. For example if Y1=2x+3 then writing Y1(5) will have an output of 13. Make sure you get the Y1 variable from your VARS menu button rather than trying to type in Y and 1.
Depending on what you are doing, you may be able to press the STO> button, type a letter, hit enter, and store the decimal value as a variable which you can then use from the homescreen.
If you are finding x values, you can just use the 'x' button and x will still have the value you found.

I don't remember the exact command, but there should be an "evaluate function" command that can find the value you need without graphing.
On the Home screen, you can find/use values of Y1 by just indicating the x-value in parentheses. For example if Y1=2x+3 then writing Y1(5) will have an output of 13. Make sure you get the Y1 variable from your VARS menu button rather than trying to type in Y and 1.