Does anyone have a link to a PDF version of the slides or a paper? (see below) I don't want to watch the whole talk and hate trying to click through a youtube video, especially since they took the lazy approach of just recording an 8 hour block.
Edit: found a link to the slides, thanks to the TechSpot article!
The slides then have a link to a paper (
note: not theirs - thanks
@TJ Hooker !):
The paper then has a link to their code (
again, not theirs):
Machine Learning Framework for Operating Systems - Brings ML to Linux kernel - sbu-fsl/kernel-ml
Anyway, it's probably good to start with some background.
Seven years ago, a startup called
Concertio released an AI-powered toolkit for using AI to dynamically tune Linux kernel parameters (after some 18+ months of development). They've since been acquired by Synopsis:
Far more recently, we heard about an effort by Oracle to use eBPF (think of it as little "plug-in" programs you can load into the kernel) to do something similar. Essentially, this represents a more tightly-integrated version of the above.
The downside of both approaches is that they're limited to adjusting parameters which have already been exposed by various subsystems. I
believe the research referenced by this article explores even tighter-integration of AI into the kernel, which ultimately would let you optimize things that can't easily be exposed as a set of simple parameters. For instance, if you're doing prefetching or swapping, you might use AI to predict the likelihood that a given block or page is going to be referenced in the near future.
As with any sort of adaptive, predictive optimizations, the potential exists to hit some pathological case where the optimization does more harm than good (for a simple example of this, see
cache thrashing). Then, there's the overhead of running the AI algorithms, themselves - that needs to be consistently less than whatever benefits you're gaining.