if the EU touches net neutrality or rather doesnt reinforce that it should never ever be touched and as protected as our free speech then i wan`t my country (sweden) out of it, the corporations already have enough control around the world, the E.U needs to put it`s foot down and show they will not be compremised by them, but im still worried, we got good laws against corruption in sweden but i`m not as confident in the E.U parliment:/,
the internet is the last and only refugee for people around the world who are opprossed , whose governments wont give them free speech,
so they can talk to eachother online, the world will be worse off for it if it`s touched and the scariest part is how it is a real world possibility to be used as a propaganda weapon, the unrestricted internet is the whole point of the internet and it`s strongest selling point.
And that is what make`s it more than just another media outlet, the fact that i can speak with anyone in the world, at least in the english speaking part of it, and share ideas, experinces and thoughts makes it one of the greatest inventions for mankinds furtherment of intellect in our history
that`s not to say i´m not worried about how net neutrality will fare in the us, because
i´m pretty sure it will affect everyone if net neutrality is butchered in the there. since many sites i enjoy come from the us, but i can only speculate though, who knows how it will affect me, but more importantly i`m worried about how it will affect the americans;/ it would be a sad day and a pretty big nail in the coffin of the internet`s possibilities to see it happen to the US,
so im worried for both and it`s an unsettling thought to see it fail anywhere