Time for Global Cooling!

Now compare that to the polar ice caps melting. And the world wide droughts and associated famine. And the glaciers melting. And the sea levels rising. And the Pacific Island countries going underwater. And the Animal and bird species dying out.
It's called climate change. Not global warming or global cooling.
Just reinforces the notion that the recent climate change fanaticism was more politically driven that scientifically driven.

Thanks goodness that more level heads prevailed before the eco-nazis shoved climate change legislation down our collective throats.

Maybe Bush not jumping onto the Kyoto treaty was the smarter move after all.
The US's current administration likes to jump the gun.

We have the climate change is man made crap shoved down our throats.
We have Syria now being shoved down our throats - the longer the wait the more we find out and that goes against initial thoughts.
... Benghazi anyone? Hell we know more about Syria than our dead heroes.
Healthcare. No additional info required.
Diet/food, we're seeing schools revolting against the semi-forced lunch menu.

This list goes on and on.