Hey guys! Just wanted to get a general consensus on if its finally the time to upgrade my cpu. With the new Ryzen chips coming out as well as leaks on Intel's next Gen things are picking up in the CPU market.
I run a 1440P 144HZ monitor with a GTX 1070 Strix
I do a lot of gaming with chrome and other programs running in the background (if I can get away with it)
Just wanted to know if I should spend the money to upgrade my CPU, and dont worry Next step is the GPU, just waiting to upgrade to Ultrawide first.
Thanks for the help!
I run a 1440P 144HZ monitor with a GTX 1070 Strix
I do a lot of gaming with chrome and other programs running in the background (if I can get away with it)
Just wanted to know if I should spend the money to upgrade my CPU, and dont worry Next step is the GPU, just waiting to upgrade to Ultrawide first.
Thanks for the help!