Time to upgrade RAM, looking for suggestions


Apr 5, 2013
Hello everyone, I have been running the same RAM for quite some time now and I feel it is about time for an upgrade.

My current setup is:
2x EVGA GTX 770 SC in SLI
Corsair HX 850W PSU
Asus Sabertooth x79 motherboard
Intel 4930k six core processor
kingston hyperx RAM (4x2gb modules) 8gb 1333 MHz
intel 730 480GB SSD for boot and other apps
intel 530 120GB SSD for more apps
1TB HDD for storage.

There is 3 requirements I must meet when choosing RAM.
1. Must be on my motherboards QVL.
2. Must be less than 44MM in height, as I use a noctua CPU cooler which doesn't leave much room for tall RAM as it hangs over the ram slots.
3.(THIS PART IM NOT SURE ABOUT) I have recently read that my CPU (i7 4930k) is only tested with 1.5V ram and has not been tested by intel with 1.65V, i have also talked to an intel representative about this and he says they do not recommend using 1.65v RAM as there is a chance it could fry the memory controller.

Now not only do I need help in picking suitable high performance RAM but I was also wondering how much merit the third requirement I have holds...Do I have to get 1.5v RAM? Does 1.65v RAM really pose a danger to my memory controller on my CPU?

Last but not least, I am looking to purchase a 16 GB set of RAM, preferably 4x4 for quad channel. Unless Dual channel would be a better option?

Noctua RAM compatability: http://www.noctua.at/main.php?show=compatibility_ram_gen&products_id=34&lng=en
Memory QVL link, Scroll to the Sabertooth X79 one: http://www.asus.com/in/Motherboards/SABERTOOTH_X79/HelpDesk_QVL/
One set of RAM I had considered was http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231456&cm_re=g.skill-_-20-231-456-_-Product

But the purpose of this thread is to explore other, hopefully better options. Thank you all in advance for your input.
Also I forgot to mention, my computer is used primarily in gaming, I really don't do anything else with it besides gaming and browsing the internet, watching videos...etc
1.65 is perfectly safe, are you OCing the 4930K at all? If so you can go 2133 or higher. At stock the 4930K can handle up to 1866 and often 2133 (but 1866 is the safer bet), if looking to a red themed set, I'd look at the 1866 Ripjaws Z


Same price, and the Z Series was released aimed at the X79 mobos, a little more tuned towards quad channel use where the RJ X mosels are more attuned to dual channel (released for the 1155 mobos)
1.65 is perfectly safe, are you OCing the 4930K at all? If so you can go 2133 or higher. At stock the 4930K can handle up to 1866 and often 2133 (but 1866 is the safer bet), if looking to a red themed set, I'd look at the 1866 Ripjaws Z


Same price, and the Z Series was released aimed at the X79 mobos, a little more tuned towards quad channel use where the RJ X mosels are more attuned to dual channel (released for the 1155 mobos)
I see...I am not currently OCing the 4930k, the thing already turbo's up to 3.9 GHz which seems like more than enough for any of the games I play, so I havn't messed with it other than a little experimenting I did OCing it for fun. I don't think the Z series is on my motherboards QVL, but it would probably work fine anyway wouldn't it? Considering the motherboard has the MemOK! feature. Honestly I don't care what color the inside of my PC is. My computer is mostly themed blue but it doesn't have a see through side panel or anything so its not a big deal if i throw some red RAM in there. I just wanna find the best 16gb RAM performance wise really.