Tips about buying 23-24" IPS panel monitor for dual monitor set up


Jun 29, 2013
Hey, I am looking for some tips or advice about buying 23-34" monitors for use in a dual monitor set up.

I have had my eye on the Dell U2312HM monitor, the price is ok for buying two of them, but I would prefer an HDMI input as well as DVI instead of Displayport as I would like to connect my PC via DVI to each monitor (as an aside, would I be fine for using both the DVI outputs on my GTX 670 for this?) and two consoles via HDMI.

Any advice or recommendations would be great as I want to get rid of the 32" LCD tv I am using as a monitor. Its too big for me, is only a single monitor and uses too much power vs IPS panel monitors even if I use two of them.
Since the monitors do not have speakers, I see no advantage of a hdmi connection vs. a dvi connection.
Go ahead and use the dvi connectors.
You will be pleased, a second monitor is great for normal work.
When gaming, the primary monitor will play the game.
The side monitor can keep e-mail or performance monitors open.

Hmm, the lack of speakers didn't occur to me.
I would still like to connect an HDMI device to each monitor though as I would like to have the option of using my PS3 or Xbox 360 with the monitor.
What I do right now is to have my PC, PS3 and 360 connected via HDMI to my TV. If I want sound for my PS3 I usually hook up my PC headphones to the audio jack on the back of the TV.
I don't think this monitor supports that.

Any ideas?

Hmm I think the best solution would be a monitor with DVI and HDMI or two HDMI inputs so I could pull audio out of the monitor with my headphones for my PS3 and 360 as I am not too fussed about it having speakers, as they are usually complete rubbish.
I can just use DVI for my PC as I just plug my headphones right into my PC.

EDIT: What about monitor?
Its quite cheap and I should be able to connect stuff to it no problem.