Tips for 1st build

Also, I saw a guy with this (I added onto it) in the same range, I'm considering it also:

For that one it's fantastic, but I think I could drop the 770 and go for the (its cheaper right?) cheaper 760 4 gig for around low 300, and compensate to buy an ssd for boot. I think though, I'd stick with the first one.

I'm also going to edit the first one, so I'll post a link for it
Here is the first build:

I added the Antec PSU, and bumped up to the 4 gig version of the 760. I think for around 1350, I'm getting a better deal simply because I can fit in that 840 EVO for booting OS, and a monitor (which I need!), without monitor it'd be around 1200ish