Tips for first time builder?


Nov 3, 2013
I'll be building my first system in a few days, and I'm wondering if there's anything I should know before I start. I'll Google an assembly guide and go of that, but if there's anything else k should know, let me know! I'm using a corsair 200R, 6350, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD, and I forget the motherboard. Things I'm wondering about:

Antistatic precautions? My room is carpeted
Order to assemble stuff?
Should I keep all my boxes?
Any other stuff I should know?

Thanks guys 😀
Anti-static wristband are not needed, however since your room is carpeted, it will be helpful. Just don't wear socks, touch something metallic before your touch any parts and also make sure you build it on top of a table. Make sure you get rid of sweaty hands, they will get sweaty after hours and hours of plugging and inserting. You should start with processor -> ram -> heatsink -> attach motherboard to case after -> attach necessary wires (cpu fan,case fan,etc) -> PSU -> connect psu to motherboard -> connect dvd drive & SSD/HDD -> connect power to everything -> Insert GPU -> connect wires again. Your pretty much done after this, just do some cable management, install drivers, etc. Yes, you should always keep all your boxes atleast for...
-antistatic is fine, just touch something grounded before you begin.
-mobo in case, psu, cpu, cooler, ram, video, all the rest
-yes, always keep the boxes they want them for any warranty case
-read as many guides as you have time, don't be too afraid to experiment, a friend who assembled one before to keep an eye out for you would be great.
wear cotton clothing .

Touch the case frequently with your bare hands . Before and after inserting a component

Lay the mb on the plastic bag it shipped in and insert the cpu and RAM . Mount the heatsink . Now you can use the heatsink as a handle to lift it and position it all into the case .
Do not touch electrical contacts on the cpu or RAM with your skin
Anti-static wristband are not needed, however since your room is carpeted, it will be helpful. Just don't wear socks, touch something metallic before your touch any parts and also make sure you build it on top of a table. Make sure you get rid of sweaty hands, they will get sweaty after hours and hours of plugging and inserting. You should start with processor -> ram -> heatsink -> attach motherboard to case after -> attach necessary wires (cpu fan,case fan,etc) -> PSU -> connect psu to motherboard -> connect dvd drive & SSD/HDD -> connect power to everything -> Insert GPU -> connect wires again. Your pretty much done after this, just do some cable management, install drivers, etc. Yes, you should always keep all your boxes atleast for a month just incase you have any faulty parts and need to sent them back.
I would suggest buying an anti-static wrist band just for precautions. They only cost $2-$3 on Ebay. if you don't buy one, make sure that you touch some sort of conductive metal (e.g your case) every so often.

Assemble the CPU to the motherboard outside of the case as well as the GPU, memory etc. Make sure that you do not apply any insertion force when installing the CPU (ZIF: Zero Insertion Force) and put the heat sink fan in one nice, smooth action. This is so the thermal paste is evenly distributed. When attaching the heat sink to the motherboard, pin down opposite corners again to evenly distribute the paste.

Also, once the PC is working it is a good idea to use another computer to download all of the drivers that you need onto an external data storage device e.g. USB stick, disk etc. This will save time. (Don't use the drivers that you get with the components, they will be outdated so I suggest getting the latest drivers from the manufacturers website) .

They is a lot to know but I recommend that you watch this series of videos made my NewEgg on YouTube. This is part one ->

Good luck with your build!