Tips for improving KD ratio in BF3


Dec 21, 2011
Hi All,

My BF3 KD is pretty awful and I'm looking for advice and tips on ways to improve it. I know its not the main focus of this game, which is meant to be more about team work. And I'm not trying to be l337 either, but it would be nice to have a KD at least slightly above 1, and not below it as it currently stands. Because at the moment its somewhat disheartening being killed by everyone. I don't think its just me being a bad player either, in previous shooters I've always done quite well, but for some reason I'm really struggling with BF3.

So any tips or advice you have will be appreciated.

BF3 does have a bit of a learning curve if you are coming from COD or even BFBC2. How long have you been playing? It took me a while to get the hang of it. You can't go guns blazing anywhere. My K/D always hovers slightly above 1, about 1.062 right now I think. That is good enough for me. Alot of the guys who have really high K/D are either always sniping or in vehicles. I am RARELY in vehicles, otherwise I am sure I'd have nicer K/D ration. Getting good at the attack helicopters is a good way to boost your kills, as well as tanks and other vehicles that you can drive into a heavy infantry area and just toast everyone. Last night we were playing and there were 2 guys on our server that had crazy K/D ratios for the game. I think the one guy was 35/4 the other 32/6 or something similar. They would only spawn in the havoc choppers and where really good at it. We ended up kicking the one guy because he would drive into our spawn and steal our chopper and we got tired of that nonsense. So below is kind of a list for you.

1)Be the gunner of an Attack chopper (especially if you are not yet good at flying. Just aim and shoot)
2)Get good at flying the attach chopper and rocket infantry heavy areas and vehicles
3)Get good at the sniper kit. Kill from far away without getting killed. You will get less kills but your K/D per game is higher.
4)Hold down a hallway with the support kit with a bipod and LMG with a large magazine. This is in RUSH mostly as a defender. (I've racked up ALOT of high scores like this)
5)In conquest maps with alot of air vehicles come in as an Engineer with AT Mines, surface to air rocket, and explosives specialization(I think, whichever give more rockets). I've racked up a good bit of kills by polluting AT Mines at unoccupied friendly points when they try to take them and come in with vehicles. Then I just sit close by and shoot down Choppers. The transport style choppers are the best because they fit 4 people.
6)Sit in a corner near a control point, usually in RUSH as a defender, with a shotgun or Assault rifle. You can rack up a lot of kills by just waiting them out and letting them come to you.
7) Be smart with RPG rockets, but don't spam(that is frowned upon). Take down vehicles. It's good points and most vehicles have more than one person in them. People also like to huddle up inside buildings and hide behind walls. Rocket the outside of the building, taking it out and the group behind it.
8) Squad up. A lot of people have all squad specializations now so you can take advantage. Also sticking with an Assault guy is good because he can revive you leaving you with one less death.
9) Be smart, don't run and gun. This will keep your deaths down.

Hope that sort of helps. At least these are items I do.
^ A big advantage is when you start unlocking guns and attachments. In BC2 the starting guns were not that bad and you unlocked them pretty quick. In BF3 it takes a while, and with each of those guns you have to unlock attachments. There are also vehicle items to unlock. Now with the expansion there are more guns to unlock through assignments.

Sometimes I just like signing on at night and sitting somewhere to snipe. Less action, but I just like to snipe sometimes. Last night I got the longest headshot EVER! 1262m. On Sharqi from the carrier to a dude that was sniping on the tall tower in the back that you have to get to by chopper. I almost pooped myself. The bullet drop was crazy!


Dec 21, 2011
Thanks Jay, I will try some of that out. I've been concentrating solely on assault class so far, and trying to play it like I did in BFBC2, so I probably need to work on some of the other classes a bit.

I often get frustrated watching guys run around the maps like loons, seemingly completely at random, and always coming out of it with lots of kills. I've always loved playing medic in the BF series and trying to support my squad, and while its fine for general point scoring it seems that this style of play isn't conducive to a good KD in BF3. Well, either that or its just me being useless. I'm also not very good at choosing appropriate weapons for the map. I tend to try and use just one weapon through all of them, so I guess I need to be more selective about which weapons and unlocks that I use. I think my favourite at the moment has to be the G3, but I do seem to die allot when using it.



Jul 27, 2009

Yeah I do miss semi automatic rifles with long range, most start rifles are poop. I miss the AN94 and the G3 for my medic/engineer

Using Assault a lot will definitely not yield a high K/D unless you are just plain great. You are basically in the front line as cannon fodder. In vehicle maps I tend to stay away from Assault because you can't do anything about them. Assault is great for Rush or other game play. I do Assault sometimes if we squad up and we have at least one or two engineers in a Conquest map and be the medic as well as close combat situations. Assault is good for taking down engineers in a big Conquest map.

Alot of those loons use the thermal scope and flashlight to blind people. There are a lot of cheap tricks that people exploit. I don't feel right doing them. It's good to be productive in a squad that works together. I find myself changing squads until I find one that works for me. I would say you do need to adjust your weapons per map. I love the G3 with an ACOG on semi-auto. It's a good close distance sniper rifle. I've taken out alot of dudes trying to take me out and also snipers. However, on full auto it kicks and has a small clip. The rounds are larger to it takes less to take someone down, but you are reloading more. Also, reload when you can to make sure you have a full mag when things get hot. I always reload, hide and reload, kill, hide and reload.

As far as gun selection for Assault you want to determine the map and what you want to do on that map. If you want to hold a point down, the G3 is great in open areas. In closed areas I pick something with a bigger mag, is smaller, and faster to move around. Shotguns are good in tight areas. Also, you can sacrifice your medpack for a launcher if you are not in a good squad or find yourself laying around med packs alot already. Tubes can be very valuable in hallways and areas where enemy bunch up. Smoke is a good item to for getting past vehicles, even though its very hard to kill someone with it.

For Support you get sorta 2 types of LMG's, big ones with lots of ammo, or small ones that are almost Assault weapons. Either way pick the one that works for you. C4 is great for vehicles and the mortar is valuable at times for attacking or defending in RUSH. Take out snipers that sit still or groups that are spotted. You are a sitting duck though for other enemy mortars and snipers though so pick a good spot to set up shop.

Engineer.. already talked about blowing vehicles up. The SMG's range from crappy to pretty decent and on the lower side of assault rifles. They are good for close up, but not at any sort of range.

Sniper. Don't pick a semi auto rifle for long range shooting. Pick the longer bolt action rifles for distance and semi auto for mid to close distance. Also choose the right scope for the map. 12x for long range, 8 or 7x for mid range, and sometimes the x4 ACOG in small maps has advantages because it is alot of times one shot per kill.

bipod vs grip. Use the bipod when you are sitting and waiting for someone to come in an area. Examples. Long range sniping and looking around. Sitting in a hallway with a LMG for suckers coming down to death row. Used the grip for everything else that involves you moving.

Hope some of that helps.

semi auto for long range is not realistic.... well except the Barrett .50. But that isn't even in the game. I'm good with the sniper rifles. I am waiting to unlock the AN-94, it was my fav. I also agree on the G3 as an all kit. It was a staple for my engineering and support in BC2 as well. I loved when they allowed attachments for it.


Apr 16, 2009
What is your kdr? A kdr of 1.00 is probably right around average. I base this on the fact that my kdr is 1.20 and I'm in the top 28% of all players (can be found on So if you're hovering around 1.00 you're not far off of the average

Also, what game mode do you primarily play? And how many players per server? These matter a lot. 64 player servers with the vanilla maps are pretty chaotic due to their relatively small size. Try playing on 32 player servers so you can stay alive longer. I find the 32 player servers allow for more strategy and stealthy approaches, whereas 64 player servers there is pretty much always an enemy near you. Probably half my deaths on the 64 player servers I don't even see the enemy that killed me.

For me, my kdr is much worse on Rush. Especially as an attacker. I play an aggressive style and am always going for the objective. I die a lot when trying to arm Mcoms. Conquest my kdr is significantly better (probably 1.5) since you don't have an entire team defending / camping a specific area as you have in Rush.

Also, if you're capping a flag in Conquest, don't stand right next to the flag. I see so many people doing this. Get prone and hide behind cover as far on the outer edge of cap radius as you can get. Then when the enemy comes looking for the person capping the flag, you should be able to see him first if you're hidden well enough.

Just a couple of other ideas.


Apr 18, 2011
My best advice is to avoid rush mode if you're concerned with KDR exclusively.

Also change renderahead to 0 as long as your gpu can keep up, as this allows for the crispest mouse movement.

Play on corners, avoid prone position when possible, don't pick or repeat predictable sniping locations, don't stand in bottlenecks with 5 other people waiting to catch an M320 to the face. Really just things like that.

Also, the game is nothing like BFBC2. Go full-auto every time. Forget burst fire for everything except extreme extended firing with the LMG's (gets pretty erratic spread after about 10-15 shots).


Dec 21, 2011
Last night I made an effort to concentrate on the advice I've received here, and I'm quite pleased to report that its yielded some good initial results... I switched from the G3 to the M416 with suppressor and RDS, which seems like a good all round weapon, and I did pretty well. I had a couple of stonking rounds after which my KD went up from 0.95 to 0.953. That might not sound like much, but I was still quite pleased with it.

I play in a clan so my main focus is on teamwork, but I also understand that the lowest common denominator when attempting to win a match is the ability to get kills. I play medic allot, so I've been offsetting some of my crappy performance with revives, but its been bugging me for a while that I unless I'm shooting someone in the back I seem to loose allot of fights. I'm starting to think now that I've just been making poor choices in weapons and load-outs. And also trying to play BF3 like it was BFBC2, its much harder to 'rambo' in this game. And I totally agree with the point about playing on 64 man servers, there are times when I seem to be constantly getting killed without ever seeing where the shots are coming from. Very frustrating.

But anyway, thanks for the tips! Hopefully soon I'll be able to get above 1 KDr. I'm not looking to be super l337 or anything, but it will be nice not to feel like I'm holding my team back.
I think the kill to death is relative to your playing style. If your constantly grab a chopper or a sniper rifle and are always in vehicles, I would expect it to be higher than 1:1. If you like playing assault a 1:1 K/D is very good and NOT average. I am very rarely in vehicles and think my slightly over 1 is pretty darn good. I enjoy playing the teamwork angle over keeping a high ratio.

A .95 is still a good ratio, especially if your playing style is how you described. I think your best bet is customizing your load out to the map and playing smart.


Dec 20, 2009
Sorry to resurrect but I find playing Metro Conquest on a 64 player server is the way to go for amazing k/d ratios. Usually people revive you if you fall.

I use the M320 (noob tube?) and the AN-94, my k/d ratio is above 3!
i have a 3-1 death to kill ratio (yep 3times as many deaths as kills 700+-275ish) as i still run around like a headless chicken. i just cant seem to adjust to the slower/tactiacl pace of the game... the weps aint as accurate as the cod games... i know this for sure as i was struggling with black ops but i went back to it after playing bf3 for a week and i just rocked it... i came out with the top score and thats something i have never done. same on mw3, the game just feels so much easier and kills are so much quicker...

im just playing as i feel it atm but i am gonna try some of these tips... so thanx for that...


Oct 31, 2012
A few other tips which may help:

- When moving on a map try to follow a path where objects are presents. (This allows to go for quick cover and only have portions/none of your body visible).

- Do not move in open grounds. If no choice then race between objects then pause to observe.

- Often I find that focusing to the audio (using a headset) in close grounds can be very useful. Quite a few time it saved my life (dude copming from side/behind to knife).

- Don't always shoot an opponent as soon as you see one. Waiting is sometimes an advantages (maybe reposition yourself).

- If you can, aim for the head (easier said than done :) ).
just a quick tip. any 1 thinking there 1337 or leet is a moron. aol leet speek is in no way leet its lamer. always has been. bbs leet speak is the true definition of leet not aol... after all if you say you have an aol connection you would get laughed off the boards...
if you 1337 your an aol 1337 sheep... best not to be 1 of the herd.

as for tips on the game if you want a high kd ratio you can do a couple of things...
learn to fly the jets, heli's, tanks and aa armor may be a big target but a few well placed shells at a distance can reek havok.
sniping is also a good way to reach out and touch without them being able to hit back. its a skill that will take time thought.
find the choke points on the maps. throw down a ammo supply box set up a MG and cut any1 in half that gets under your sights.
dont be scared to run away. its better to flank that to hit head on.
if your a medic. throw down a medi pack every time you take cover... that way if you take a stray bullet your gonna heal as soon as you duck.