TMPIN1 over 70c


Sep 4, 2017
I am worried about my TMPIN1 temperature
At idle it is around 55c and when I stress test my CPU it is over 70c
Is that good or bad and how do I fix it. I don't even know what TMPIN1 is
TMPINs are usually CPU Socket, average motherboard temp, and Northbridge temps. Seeing that it's 70C my guess is that it's a Northbridge temp, since that tends to run pretty hot.

Not anything for concern. 70C is still within reasonable temperatures. Anything over 90C is cause for concern, and anything close to/over 100C is dangerous.
TMPINs are usually CPU Socket, average motherboard temp, and Northbridge temps. Seeing that it's 70C my guess is that it's a Northbridge temp, since that tends to run pretty hot.

Not anything for concern. 70C is still within reasonable temperatures. Anything over 90C is cause for concern, and anything close to/over 100C is dangerous.