to get internet from windows phone using data cable

It's not supported on WP8, and to be honest not recommended. The USB bus on a phone isn't really designed for high throughput and will accrue much more wear and tear than using the Wi-Fi hotspot feature. However, using certain Developer drivers on certain phonesyou can do it. For example, on the Samsung Ativ:

First, you need the Diagnosis app for Samsung phones. This is included, but hidden, on each phone. To access it, type ##634# (##MFG#) into the phone dialer. After it's run once, you can launch it from the Apps list like normal.
Next, to access the USB control, type *#7284# in the numpad that the app displays.
Select "QC RmNetComposite" from the USB Path Control radio button options. This will take the phone out of its default MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) mode, and make it act as a Qualcomm USB modem. The phone will need to reboot when you select this option; let it do so.
When the phone boots up again, it will not appear in Windows Explorer or the Windows Phone app. You'll get a "Found new hardware" notification, but the odds are that the drivers will fail to install automatically. We'll need to install them manually.
To do that, first download the attached ZIP file included with this post. Extract its contents somewhere handy.
Next, open Device Manager. This can be done from the Start menu/screen, or by opening Computer Management, or by typing "devmgr.msc" into Start search or the Run dialog and then hitting Enter. It will require Administrator permissions.
You should see four "Qualcomm composite device" entries that don't have drivers. We only need two, maybe even one, of them. It's possible to tell them apart, but for simplicity's sake I'm just going to tell you to do the next steps for each of them.
Double-click one of those entries, or right-click on it, and select Update Driver.
Choose the "Browse" option, and navigate to the folder you extracted from the ZIP file. You don't have to go any deeper, so long as the "Include Subfolders" option is checked.
Hit Next and, if a warning pops up about unsigned drivers, choose to install anyhow. There is actually a signature; the drivers will work on 64-bit Windows. I don't know what that complaint is about. If it just says that it couldn't find a driver, that's fine; that's one of the two devices we don't need, probably.
Once you have the Qualcomm USB Modem and (possibly) Qualcomm Diagnostics devices installed, you're ready to configure the modem in Windows. To do this, open Network and Sharing Center (or Network Connections in XP) and chose the Create new connection option.
Select a "Dial-up connection". Don't worry; it's neither as slow nor as noisy as a classic modem.
This next part is probably carrier-specific. For T-Mobile US, it was ridiculously easy: type a name for the connection (doesn't matter what), in the place for the number you dial, put "*99#" (without the quotes), and leave the password and username blank.
Try to connect! If it doesn't work, look up the WP7 settings for wired tethering to your carrier; they should be on this forum somewhere.
When you want to get back to normal (MTP) mode on the USB port, just repeat the first three steps but choose "MTP Mode" instead of "QC RmNetComposite" and let the phone reboot again.

This will not work in you have the Samsung Ativ. Maybe it's a good idea to list your device next time you make a forum post.
I was wondering, I got to your answer when seeking an answer that this helped solving, how ever, the initial problem I had was I don't see internet sharing on my Samsung ativ.
I'm sure there is a code like the one you suggested above that brings that feature back to life,
would you happen to know what it is?
As mentioned this feature is called tethering. Generally if you are allowed to do it is very simple to turn on. It is just a matter of turning the option on in one of the settings menus.

The problem comes when tethering is not part of the contract you have with your ISP. Because they have things like unlimited data they want to limit your ability to use too much data. Since a phone can only take a fraction of what a PC can they disable the ability to tether even on a device that could do it.

Most the hack methods require you to root your device to bypass the tethering restriction. Now even when you do this the ISP has ways to detect what you are doing and if they find you are tethering on a device where it is suppose to be disabled they normally modify you plan to the more expensive data tethering plan and charge you for all the data you used.


thank you for the prompt response, however, I failed to mention that the same sim card works perfectly on my android phone and the tethering works great there.
As I should have expected there are lots of models of samsung ativ.

Pretty much it comes down to if the device has the feature you can use it if it does not you can not. Some vendors offer tethering on the device and others do not. It could be a firmware issue if you have a older device it appears. You would have to get a patch from the vendor that the device is associated with.

The lack of the option to even turn on tethering is not a sim issue it is a firmware issue. On devices that support tethering for a extra charge it will have the option to tether but give you a message that says you account does not allow it or something. Some devices completely lack this option which is what it sounds like yours does. Call the phone company that is associated with that device even if it was unlocked you normally cannot load firmware from a different company.
I will get in touch with Samsung in my country , and if need be, I will update my firmware and if need then even erase the phone.
thanks a lot.
Seems nobody actually listened to me. It's not in a menu as it's not supported on WP8, but it is accessible as an engineers tool if you follow specific instructions from phone to phone.
Just to clean things up, we carried on in PMs. For anyone looking, some ROMs down't come with internet sharing. To fix this you need to flash a new ROM. Firstly you need your CSC (which is a country/supplier code for your phone). You will have to tell your new ROM what CSC your phone has to configure it correctly.

Follow these instructions to find it:

Use this code in Diagnosis: *#321647335
After you choose new CSC it will ask for Hard Reset.

Don't change the CSC though, just read it. If you phone is locked to carrier it may brick if you change the CSC.

Then, you need to follow the instructions here to flash a new ROM:
after so much tweaking , i was able to find the csc for Israel, it's really the name of the operator in abbreviation,
i followed the instructions from the forum, and it gave me the long awaited internet sharing!
why would they have a software version without Wi-Fi, this is beyond me!