To overclock or not to overclock?


Jan 6, 2012
I just bought a 780 classy and an ASUS PB278Q 2560x1440 display. I know that on several games I can achieve 80 or more FPS with this setup so I am exploring the idea of overclocking my monitor to take advantage of some of those higher frame rates.

This a very new concept to me as I have never modified a monitor in any way before. The process itself seems pretty easy but I'm wondering what I'm risking?

I know every monitor is different but has anyone bricked their monitor by doing this? Will this significantly decrease the lifespan of the product? I've read about a lot of different people doing it but haven't heard any horror stories.

I'm sure there are no definite answers here but any general guidelines, risks or information would be great. Thanks in advance.
By overclocking your monitor you mean OCing your Graphics card. I see no reason to OC in your case because if the games you play are running at 80FPS then you don't need to.
By overclocking your monitor you mean OCing your Graphics card. I see no reason to OC in your case because if the games you play are running at 80FPS then you don't need to.

No, I didn't mean overclocking the GPU. I meant overclocking the monitor, as in achieving higher MHz refresh rate. If my GPU can produce 80+ FPS but my monitor is only 60MHz then any FPS above 60 are useless. Google overclocking "Asus PB278Q" and click on the tweakipedia link to see what I'm talking about. Thanks for your reply tho.

Anyone else have any input to share?

No he mention it as it is. It is a feature to overclock your monitor refresh rates by nvidia though i do not know if the feature are available to other geforce cards other than cards based on GK110. Nvidia work a lot in tech related to game smoothness. Adaptive v-sync, refresh rates overclocking and the latest one is G-Sync.

If your monitor can handle it then why not?