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Well, today is officially International Caps Lock Day.

Apparently, International Caps Lock Day is a parodic holiday that was first imagined in 2000 by Derek Arnold, who deemed that on October 22, everyone across the world should type only in Caps Lock.

Why? You might ask. As Arnold put it himself:

International Caps Lock Day is in fact a testament to the small mindedness of certain Western individuals: the majority of the world’s population writes in scripts which have no concept of letter casing. Therefore it is advised to laugh at anyone who invokes this day as an excuse to dismiss local typographical conventions: they are simply making an ass out of themselves.

The fictional holiday has grown to the point where it now has its own “official” website, a portal that is the “SELF PROCLAIMED OFFICIAL HOME PAGE OF CAPS LOCK DAY” and also has a dedicated Twitter account to go with it.

International Caps Lock Day is so popular, it is celebrated twice a year. The holiday is also celebrated on the 28th June, coinciding with the day that Billy Mays died in 2009, so that the internet can honor the “Infomercial King” by typing like the very first internet user.

October 22 is seen as the more significant of the two however.
LOL - that's why I thought it best to post this "news story" here in the News & Leisure section 😛..

How to Spot a Newbie in 3 Seconds or Less:

1. - posts everything in CAPS
2. - replies to necro threads, esp. those from 2001-2004
3. - posts a question on the forumz and then bumps it 30 seconds later when he doesn't get an answer
4. - ??
he/she starts with
1.hey guys :hello:
2.i am new to this stuff
3. i tried everything i could
4. at the end: please excuse my ignorance
5. whole thread is 2 sentences long and doesn't state the problem :heink:

LOL - that's because he was reaching for the Capslock key and got confused by the Enter key on the other side of his keyboard 😛

I recall a conversation I had with my Dad some 15 years ago, after I gave him an old 486 computer (genuine newb as it was his very first PC). He called me long-distance one morning and started complaining that the computer I gave him was defective. So I asked him what he meant. Apparently he did something in Win95 to cause it to choke (which IIRC was not particularly difficult to do 😛), and it wanted him to "Press the ESCape Key to Exit" according to the error message. And he couldn't find the ESCape key no matter what. So I explained over and over again that he needed to look at the upper left corner of the keyboard and there he should find the "Esc" key which is short for Escape. He insisted that there wasn't one there. So I said "Well there was one there when I gave you the computer. Did you drop it??"

The conversation went on like this for nearly an hour, before it dawned on me - I then asked him "Dad!! Are you looking at the KEYBOARD or the SCREEN"?????. After about 10 seconds, I heard a small "oh".. :heink:

6. after 2 weeks and a bronze badge & hammer, he starts an "AMD vs. Intel" thread 😀.

Remind you of anybody, Uppity??? 😗
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