Tom's Hardware Giveaway - Grim Fandango Remastered!


Halloween is still weeks away, but in the spirit of American capitalism, we’re going to start celebrating it a month early. We can’t hang up fancy decorations and elaborate props, but we’ve got a bunch of spooky games to give away. First one up on the list is an oldie but a goodie: Grim Fandango Remastered! Okay, so it’s technically not that old, but play along, would ya?

We’ve got three (3) copies to give away, but first, a small confession to make here: we don’t have a relevant discussion or wacky entry method for you this week. Instead, we’re highlighting a major upcoming event: Our Steam group will reach 1,000 members soon!!

This may not seem like a big number but we look at this as a major step forward since the group was stagnating at about 300 members when we took over ownership of it earlier this year. As a result, when we hit that 1,000 member milestone, we’ll be throwing a bit of a celebration! We will reveal more details in the coming weeks but you can be sure that it’ll involve some free games at the very least!

In the meantime, you can help us brainstorm ideas to continue growing this little offshoot of our community! One of our goals, on both the Editorial and Community sides, is to increase our offerings when it comes to gaming. After all, PC gaming is a major catalyst for hardware improvements and many of our users and readers are gamers; why not give the people what they want?

What kind of gaming content would you like to see more of from Tom’s Hardware? Perhaps you want to see more editorial coverage of new games and the benchmarking that goes with it; maybe you’d enjoy seeing videos of our guys trying out new titles; maybe you just want to find more people to play your favorite game with and would like to play with (or against!) other community members—or even staff members. What can we do to make the Tom's Hardware community more appealing to you, the gaming community? Whatever it is, we’re looking forward to your feedback!

Contest will run until 12 PM EDT on Friday, October 9th. That’s 12:00 noon. Winners will receive their prize as a Steam gift; a Steam account is required to receive and to play the game. One entry per user. Winners will be selected randomly from among eligible entries. Attempts to cheat the system will result in automatic disqualification.

Be sure to join our Steam group! The group is nearing 1,000 members, and we’ve got a great surprise planned for that, so help us reach that goal faster by inviting your friends!

We’re actively looking for volunteers to write community reviews for games, so if you’re interested, please reach out to me for more details.
I think that you guys should cover more about new games that are coming out, not only the triple A stuff but indie games and some more "out there" games. And I would say cover more VR, but you guys are doing that already!
Congrats on almost 1,000 members in the group!
for lower end hardware reviews, can we get coverage of popular multiplayer titles of some sort? CS:GO, TF2, some MOBA's perhaps? these tend to be played a lot more by people purchasing the lower end GPU's than say the latest AAA title that will make a Titan cry.

not to mention the shear mass of CS:GO, LOL, and WOW players asking how a GPU fairs in these games only.
I really like reading about the gaming benchmarking. It really shows how well any pc component stand up against one another. And also upcoming games.
More coverage on games would be a great start, and not just the high end stuff like you usually do.

Also, whoops! After all this time I forgot to join the Steam group. Joined!
This is a good question. My thoughts:

1. I think coverage of new games is a good idea with some official benchmarks. The "Can I Run It?" threads are nice to minimize forum clutter, but all the threads I've seen only accumulate a couple posts. Maybe the hyped games can get their own articles with game info before release and benchmarks after release all in one place. Not sure how much work this would require on your end...

2. theCHIVE does a weekly gaming thing on Tuesdays (think it's a Twitch stream) where they play new games. Maybe you could take that concept and run with it somehow.

3. In terms of finding people to play with in the community, the Steam group is already there. Last I checked the discussions were pretty sparse. I'm not sure what else you could do about getting the community to play together.

4. Every time I look on Steam I wish the developers would interact more with the consumers. This is a super common thing to say I'm sure, but it's not even just "what should we put in this game?" threads. I'd be interested to hear about engines and how they utilize system resources and other programmingish technical stuff like that. The info is all out there to be found, but it'd still make for interesting reads to have articles come from the pros. At the very least it'd make the devs seem more open; I always enjoy going into the forums of a game and seeing a dev community rep there saying "hey I'm here to answer your questions." Anyway what I'm getting at is maybe there could be more developer correspondence in the forums somehow.

5. Tournaments are fun (thinking Halo MCC and furiously waiting for Halo 5...). Not sure if TH has enough people/demand for that sort of thing.

Will edit if I think of more...
Personally I want to see more coverage of games and performance across hardware and drivers. I feel TH used to do it a bit more but hasn't really done it as of late.

Would be nice to have charts or reviews for people to refer to and see how their hardware will stack up for a new game.
I'd like to see more gaming peripheral reviews like mechanical keyboards, keypads, gamepads, joysticks, mice, mouse pads, headsets, wheels, chairs, monitors, VR gadgets, etc. It's Tom's hardware after all, not Tom's software.
And more benchmarks. Lots of benchmarks.
More game benchmarks against older generation hardware, and vice-versa, more benchmarks of older generation hardware against new AAA games. Not everybody buys a new computer or upgrades frequently, so a lot of people will still be running hardware that's 2, 3, 4+ years old and at least a generation back. It also serves to highlight how much of a performance gap there is between old and new... and push that desire to upgrade further.
Another vote for the benchmarks. Would be nice to see what some of the newer games require CPU/GPU wise.

For fun I also think it would be nice to have some community competitions or make a group/clan for a said game and play together. I know there's a steam group but I haven't heard of any events within it, asides from the weekly giveaways.
I would love to see more coverage of how to setup gaming machines in interesting configurations. For example, articles on setting up game casting or emulation programs.
It would be nice to see a benchmark based on the players equipment, vs what is recommended on that game. Also if there was an upgrade list on the side that could possibly direct people to better gaming gear (than what they currently have) that might be on sale.
Though lately I have been buying the AAA titles, I find that I have been gravitating back to the same handful of games (many of which are F2P) I've been playing for years. I would love to know how new high end and mid tier hardware performs on longer standing platforms such as War Thunder, Chivalry, and BF4. I would laso liketo read more about what kinds if HIDs people use for certain games and why.


The biggest improvement I can see Tom's Hardware making to its gaming section is better benchmarking. To be frank, I almost never come here for such, as most other options on the internet are superior. Great source for news however, and thank you for the giveaway opportunity!
Reviews of games along with benchmarks so we can see if we can actually run the game. You being hardware people, this is kinda your little niche of expertise that can make you stand out a little from the rest of gaming press.
I'm going to have to echo a couple other people here in part with my request for more tests of newer software against older hardware. How pathetic is my GTX 660+Sandy Bridge rig for new releases?