Too many devices connected wireless to router


Oct 22, 2013
Hi I currently own a 3 family with many wireless devices connected i.e. 10+ of each of these iPhones, iPads, laptops. I didn't realize there was going to be a connection issue but recently we are having issues with device connections and staying connected.

The wireless router is the standard from comcast and it is located in the basement of the home. There is a device that is boosting the signal.

Is this something that a new router may be able to fix. If so which one should I try.

Thank you in advance any insight is greatly appreciated.
your better off speaking with comcast biz or verizion biz people and have one main account and two or more modems. if it too costly per month for two or more modems. then get a biz class router from
make sure only the people in your building can log into the router some router you can set up a temp accounts like if you walked into mcd.
then in the other two units put in small ap units that connect to the router or place on the outside a outside ap that cover the building.

I didn't say 3 people. It's a 3 family home with shared internet among the apartments.
your better off speaking with comcast biz or verizion biz people and have one main account and two or more modems. if it too costly per month for two or more modems. then get a biz class router from
make sure only the people in your building can log into the router some router you can set up a temp accounts like if you walked into mcd.
then in the other two units put in small ap units that connect to the router or place on the outside a outside ap that cover the building.

Thanks so much! I will try this!
If you have a good Internet plan, you could also just add a couple of wireless access points (or cheap routers configured as APs) with different SSIDs and on different radio channels so you can assign people to different connections. Unless there is a lot of video streaming each AP should handle 10 connections.