Too much RAM being used !!


Feb 17, 2014
I have 8gb of RAM installed and it has been working fine for 10months+, but within the past few weeks, task manager says that im using 85%+ while i have just a single chrome tab open, i check what proccesses are running within task manager, and there are no applications that are using too much RAM.
I noticed this problem when i was playing bf4 and i started loosing frames hard.
Any help would be great, thanks.
Sorry for the extremely late reply, ive been on vacation for quite a while :3 When i got back , i did a clean install of each of my drives, and reinstalled all my drivers, and it seems to be okay. The only thing is, when i load task manager, my cpu usage is at like 85% for 5 seconds than quickly jumps down to where it should be, i have an i5 4690k, I'm just presuming its a visual glitch and isnt actually running at that usage the whole time as the temps of each core are all perfectly reasonable.
Thanks for the replies btw