Took laptop ram out and put it back, now getting blue screens

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Feb 11, 2015
Today I opened up my laptop to see if I have any unused slots. Saw one ram stick and 1 unused ram slot, took the ram stick out to check what ram it is, so that I can buy something similar. Then I reinserted the ram stick there, put everything else back together and booted up my pc.
And it didn't boot...
So I kept trying and trying, I was getting plain black screens, blue screens and restarts.
Until at one point I was able to get trough Windows loading, to the part where it asks for the user password. I enter my password and get blue screen , this happened several times. Then one time I got to my desktop and every app crashed, giving me errors and stuff, after like the millionth try the pc stays open, with no errors, so I decide to browse the Web, and all was good, for about 3 minutes, till I got another blue screen...

I have no idea what to do. Please help.

I tried, I put it all the way down and then locked it in place. Also tried the other ram slot. Didn't change anything. Also about the ram isn't damaged, at least in any visible fashion.
The laptop fixed itself with time, I left it unused, didn´t touch a thing, and now it has been working flawlessly for a few days now, I did not ground myself before taking the ram stick out, so I suspect I caused some sort of a problem there with static electricity or something.
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