Top 200 Clubs

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Dec 31, 2007
From 2/1/01 to 2/7/01 here are how many units the teams from the current top 200 list have done.

Toms Hardware: 1660
Clan Plaid #CP#: 378
Team ZETA: 296
HCC: -277
QuakeNet SETI-team: 603
Team Baitshop: 1765


Only a matter of time before we start burning up the charts! And while the baitshop has slowed down recently, they are still producing more than us by about 50-100 per day.

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Hey Nec,

According to this when do you see us in the Top 200?

We are really cranking out the units now. Cool!

Michael Aka THGMAN aka Beetlenut

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Currently here is the bottom of the Top 200 Club Teams.
198) ALLCONET 12 44006 85.539 years 17 hr 01 min 39.7 sec
199) The Mars Society 118 43749 81.975 years 16 hr 24 min 51.1 sec
200) Clan Plaid #CP# 126 43069 76.826 years 15 hr 37 min 33.8 sec

Not sure how many a day the Team is doing. We are getting a lot closer though.

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With all the new people that have joined, we got a pretty good boost. We are under 3000 units away from the Team ALLCONET in 200th place. Here's a direct link to the graph.

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

<font color=green>"You talk like a drunk man walks: in every direction but where he is headed"</font color=green>
if only supercoolin' never left, we would be way up there!

<font color=green>"You talk like a drunk man walks: in every direction but where he is headed"</font color=green>
means that you are too new of a member to calculate a weekly average, because your average is equal to how many units you have total instead of over the last 7 days.

after you have been a member for 7 days it will go away and you can be on the top 20 wu average chart.

<font color=green>"You talk like a drunk man walks: in every direction but where he is headed"</font color=green>
Okay peteb you are 2nd in productivity behind Galanz!

My guesstimate is that we will be in the top 200 in 14-20 days now.

<font color=green>"You talk like a drunk man walks: in every direction but where he is headed"</font color=green>
Please - call me Pete!

Hopefully I'll be able to keep the WU rate up - I have borrowed a number of PCs (it helps being the manager of the department...) so providing they all stay up we should be flying.

I'm pushing to try and get some SMP SUNs recruited too (got my first UltraSpark on Monday) which will _really_ push the WU up...



-* This Space For Rent *-
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<font color=red>~Almost there~</font color=red> 😎

<font color=green>Tom's Hardware: 46189</font color=green>
<font color=blue>200)Artbell: 46533</font color=blue>

<font color=green>"You talk like a drunk man walks: in every direction but where he is headed"</font color=green>
Pete B. Thanks so much for joining the team. Thanks to the other new members as well. It has been a big boost to our productivity. I think we will make it into the <A HREF="" target="_new">Top 200 Club Teams</A> in a few days.

Here is the current status according to the numbers found above.
200) The Mars Society 46890
Tom's Hardware Guide 46652

However, I checked and within a 9 hour period today, actually the last 9 hours. Tom's Hardware Guide's Team members made 70 units exactly while The Mars Society made only 35! I know that 9 hours is not a very good measure of our productivity, however, it is all I have to go on at the moment.

If you want to check the actual live numbers for the Mars Society or for Tom's Hardware Guide for that matter, you must go to the following two links.
<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

<A HREF="'s+hardware+guide" target="_new">'s+hardware+guide</A>

This information can be found on the front page of the <A HREF="" target="_new">SETI website</A> under the Use SETI@home Heading Third link down Groups, then typing in the name of the group that you are looking for.

The Live Numbers show currently.
The Mars Society 46955
Tom's Hardware Guide 46695

At the current rate (based on 9 hours) I calculate we will pass them in 62 hours and 25 minutes.

Lets crank out those unites. We do not need too many more actually. Going to make sure my notebook and every other PC I can find is cranking for the next three days.

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Not sure. I am working on it. Maybe Omid can write a new Second Hand Smoke about Distributed Computing and send a link to the Tom's Hardware Guide SETI Group from inside the article. That would surely help us to pick up about 50,000 new members!!! 🙂 Ask Omid Rahmat! Distributed computing might be something he is interested in writing about?

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I wrote the original article but did not have time to rewrite it. I wanted to add pics and stuff to it but never got around to it. If anyone else wants to rewrite it or update it be my guest.

Have any of you e-mailed Omid yet???? I'm sure that a little pr from an article on the front page would add at least a couple of members.

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That's great, we're getting close.
Now if we could track down Kuff we'd make it for sure.
Tom: 47191
Mars: 47199

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47213 Units for the Mars Soiety and Tom's Hardware Guide!!

Michael AKA Betel Nut

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