Top Tags Bar


Mar 14, 2015
When I hover over or click the "More" dropdown, it shows several options including the one I'd like to use "Monitors" yet every time I go to move my mouse towards it... the dropdown closes, this happens if I hover or click on "More" first.

Is this a Chrome specific issue/Win10 or just bad coding somewhere because as I remember it it didn't always do that.

Also, the "Please provide more details" bit which now won't let me post is also not closing even though I'm now 3 paragraphs in and have given all the necessary details as far as I know.
its a bug of some sort - i think we are intelligent enough to let the element load first before complaining :) . fails in chrome with and without adblock and in incognito. seems to work 75% of the time in ie. when the page first loads the menu sometimes works fine then when you try to go to the menu again it fails to let you on my end. the only way i can get it to work after it starts failing is to use arrow key down or mouse wheel down to skip the page down and forcibly push the mouse onto it and then it works until the mouse is removed again.
i think you need to be a little more specific. by tags bar what are you referring to and where are you referring to it at?

is it the top bar on threads?

or are you talking about the tags when creating a new thread. not sure what you mean by the "more" button. screenshot what you are talking about if possible.

as for the please provide more details, are you referring to these?

ah, that tag bar. its acting up for me too - likely a recent bug. titillating (our community contact) should see this thread and make a note of it as he checks here regularly. i dont recall it acting like that before either. chrome/7 here.

i just found a little workaround until it gets fixed.. if you hover over more and push the arrow key down (on keyboard) it will move the mouse over the first item and you can scroll the list normally.
I'm not seeing any issues with the tag bar so far, on two different systems. Tried it on Chrome/W7 and Chrome/W10, with adblockers both enabled and disabled.

I've noticed that it can happen if you don't let the menu fully load. Takes about a second, and you should see a raised black border around the word "More" once it's loaded. If this is the case for both of you, then it's not a bug, simply a feature that needs to be refined.

If that doesn't work, then I'm going to need more details and/or further corroboration from other users in order to figure out what's wrong.

I completely closed out Chrome and reopened it and it started working, it might be a matter that one of the other tabs/pages was somehow interacting with it in a bad way. It is something to be aware of in any case.
its a bug of some sort - i think we are intelligent enough to let the element load first before complaining :) . fails in chrome with and without adblock and in incognito. seems to work 75% of the time in ie. when the page first loads the menu sometimes works fine then when you try to go to the menu again it fails to let you on my end. the only way i can get it to work after it starts failing is to use arrow key down or mouse wheel down to skip the page down and forcibly push the mouse onto it and then it works until the mouse is removed again.
Unfortunately (luckily?) I'm unable to replicate this in any way, on any browser. It works perfectly fine for me. I'll see if this can be replicated in a test environment, but if not, then it may be a long while before we get to the bottom of this.
i'll tell you exactly what the problem is: the drop down menu delay time before close after removing the mouse-hover trigger. if i move the mouse VERY fast i can get the menu to work how it should. when the menu is working fine the delay time is easy to manage and works great but it seems like it resets to near zero after the first hover. not sure WHY but that is where you should start the looking.
on topic, different question so i just add it here: If i add tags to a post, does it appear in the section that corresponds with tag? Say a post that should be about motherboards is in wrong section, does me adding the tag make it appear there? I add tags to posts that seem to be in wrong place or lack them altogether... if it doesn't do that, I will stop tagging them :)
In response to your question, yes, it does. To continue with your example, once tagged with "Motherboard", that thread will appear in the tag search for "Motherboard" (which is what that top tag bar leads to). It would not, however, show up in the actual "Motherboards" forum (which are not auto-sorted based on tags).
just imagine if that was true for a moment. what would happen when there are 10 tags on a thread :)

having correct tags is certainly beneficial, but generally the mod team does not worry about them too much unless people are abusing them for badge/ba abuse, there are too many of them or people are trolling with them.
servers would be busy too. I can see it would become messy.

I was looking at the search options and noticed windows xp is still in the popular section, is it really that popular still or just has tons of votes. I would search by tags if there were more in the tag section, or maybe I using it wrong. That is always possible.

I should stop looking at things, it will just lead to me being noticed... I will now go hide under a rock.