News Toshiba: 26TB HDDs Due Within a Year, 40TB HDDs in Five Years

I think it will make me cry if I format a drive like that and lose over a TB of space just to the format. 😢
You're not "losing" any space.
Its just a difference in units.

If you go buy a car, and the salesman says "It will do a little over 200!"
But when you try it out at the track, you can only get it to 125.....

"He LIED!"

No, he was speaking kph, you're looking at mph.

Drive size is the same thing.
Base 10 vs Base 2.
ALL drives are like this.
A "1TB" drive is only 931GB.
Sounds more and more like we need to go backwards and go back to 5.25 inch drives XD hahaha

To me it's not that bad of an idea, especially in enterprise environments. From what I remember the smaller platters had to do with vibration resistance, something critical when you're spinning at 5400 or even 7200rpm, but considering a 5.25" platter has 2.25x the surface area of a 3.5" platter, you'd think there would be more attempts at making them, especially as capacity becomes an issue and manufacturing techniques become more advanced.
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By the time 40TB HDD come around in roughly 5 years (ive made the same prediction) SSDs will be at roughly 4TB for $100. 8TB to $185, 16TB for $359 and 32TB in the near future for around $600.
They will be much faster, much more reliable (in enterprise redundant environments, much more compact much more energy efficient. Just like now. The difference is the PRICE will also start to be very close onto of everything else compared to HDD tech and wil lonly fall below it as time goes on. This tech has 7 years of life left in it at the rate flash tech is going. Sorry Toshiba.

HDD will not get past 40TB before nearly everyone has a better flash option and they just dont buy HDD anymore. 5-8 years after that most HDD already in systems will start failing and most people wil lhave fully replaced all their infrastructure. They just arnt worth it and toshiba is just hoping their fabs will be able to be sued for this outdated <Mod Edit> that long.
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To me it's not that bad of an idea, especially in enterprise environments. From what I remember the smaller platters had to do with vibration resistance, something critical when you're spinning at 5400 or even 7200rpm, but considering a 5.25" platter has 2.25x the surface area of a 3.5" platter, you'd think there would be more attempts at making them, especially as capacity becomes an issue and manufacturing techniques become more advanced.
It did not work out for Quantum Bigfoot 25 years ago, and that's when 5.25in peripherals were still otherwise common.

Remember how gasoline ICE are supposed to get peak efficiency of much more than 40%, or how close viable nuclear fusion power have been for the last 40 years? Sure hope this won't be anything like that - But even 40TB is only twice of 20TB.
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