Toshiba Laptop fan


May 26, 2005
My dad's fan is losing the bearing. It's about dead. Is there anywhere i can buy a new fan? It's not that old, a couple of years.

Everyone has a humble beginning...
See what it will cost to replace the fan and how much the fan itself costs. The fan shouldn't be more than about $10-15.

If the replacement work costs too much then buy the fan from Toshiba and install it yourself.

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So i have to go directly to toshiba for the fan then? Bumma. But yeah, i should be able to install it myself. I have the tools, i'm sure, but i'm just worried about all the stuff they always have that "clicks" together. I end up breaking stuff.

Everyone has a humble beginning...
If you know the stats on the fan, then you might be able to track one down, but I don't think the savings would be worth the extra effort. Another concern would be securing the fan - something you don't get from Toshiba may not have the right brackets for install. At least you know that Toshiba will give you a good, compatible fan.

Breaking things just makes the repair more "interesting"

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