total dead bios not approacheable

Question from Vittalanand1943 : "total dead bios not approacheable"

In reply Isubmit neither F2 nor F8 or F12 are approcheable ss pc is totally dead with 4 or 5 blinkings of led at cd rack
Question from Vittalanand1943 : "dead pcPc totally dead"

If you look at the lights on your mobo, is there anything lighting up? Are your gpu and case fans running? What are your specs?
Do you have any idea what model of the motherboard? Often on the mobo there will be a sticker listing the model. I ask this so I can look up your manual to see if there are any diagnostic lights or beeps which could tell you what's going on.
If you open up the computer and then press power on, can you see the fans turning anywhere? On your power supply unit? On your video card? On your cpu? Case? Are there any sounds at all?
yes. fan runs. one led near ram and another near ram lights up. But boot lights in front of unit do not light up. Cd rack light blinks and goes off after5 or 6 blinks. CPU is intel atom single core 1.33 ghz. Capable of loading 2 gb ddr 2 ram single rack.. I have 1 GB and also 2 Gb rams in stock and trying them alternatively so that one catches. If the rams are static charged , I may try a new ddr 2 ram.
Yeah I can't tell what the led light are for sure without the manual showing the schematic with labels and I can't look it up without the mobo model. Yeah I get you're without a computer so replying isn't going to be easy for you.
Sounds like some parts are working though, just a matter of identifying which. Your cpu, if it is this one:
does not have integrated graphics in which case it could be your gpu crapping out too, and not just memory. It could also be mobo itself though it seems to be showing signs of life so less likely. If you are getting some lights and fans on, less likely that it's psu though it could be as well, instead of completely dying it could just be refusing to run the current wattage anymore. In other words don't buy stuff yet, nothing's been ruled out completely.
If you want to test memory, if two sticks, try pulling one.
A techie attended the pc and after testing all the components and software installatipns je declared the pc 'mother board processor dead and suggested replacement of the mb amd processor as well and also suggested uppgrading the pc to intel I3 . He also observed the pc is too old and suggesred sata dvd writer for the pc and mb from ddr2 ram to ddr3 ram 2gb.So thanks for your question. Matter solved. All including charges comes to 12500
I have given uyou the end answer separately. But see You are the expert and I am the client. I am the user only not expert. I am only frinishing you the symptoms. You are to give me solutions. Leaving that you are conducting tests and exams on my knowledge. I repeat I am not as expert as you. But I am prociding every thing I know and observed. You want a product literarurw. Even you may want printed symptoms checker so that you may read and advise me. I am also litterate and can read what is printed and know from symptoms checker. I raised a question or sought a solution. If you are REALLY a techie you would have known what a white screen death but you are trying to get your self aware and observe and get taught from my problems for your own knowledge I f you know provide a solution if you don't know simply keep quiet. Don't try to get taught from my experience.
Er...not sure where that came from, but you get we're ordinary people right? This is not our job. We help because we may have some experience at the troubleshooting process, and can maybe advise you on how to proceed. It's up to you whether to take that advice or not.
There was no way to conclude anything based on little info you provided, and no testing....which you get that we can't do for you, right?
I dint mund who you are. But you are sure getting harvesting others experience to improve your own skills. Admit you are zero to diagonise problems from listed out symptoms and want pamphlet of manufacrurer. A ruel mind on your part to study solutions to problems solved by other to gain your own knowledge. Dont declare you are an expert.
You cant tell what is the defect due to which bios and safe mode are unapproaceable that is common for all systems. I repeat I am not expert but simple PC user. When you cant provide a solution or suggestions of probabilities and possibiliries of a defect reported who asked you to reply as if you know every thing. You should have stayed away from replying me by cross examining me with your questions. When you are not vapable of prociding suggestions on OS defectsor possible hardware defects why did you try to harvest your knowledge from my sufferings ?
If your mobo is showing signs of life, and certain lights up turning on, that does not immediately equal dead mobo or cpu. In fact it's hard to conclude that at all. You can get no post from many things. Here's a nice list showing all the issues that can come up:
and you were actually getting some fan activity. For example, if it was your gpu, how would you see bios or safe mode if you could not get an image of any kind? You would just know that you're not getting them.
Based on a barebones description and no testing, you're getting upset you didn't get a complete answer immediately? I may have unrealistic expectations when asking a question and expecting a presto diagnosis. That's not how it works even with actual hands on testing.
Nevertheless I have no trouble with ignoring your questions in the future.