oh, but it is coming. laptops will die first over the next 2-3 years (replaced by phones and tablets), and then the desktop will follow 1-2 years later. People like you and I will continue to have a desktop a while longer than that, but to think that a desktop is not doomed is a bit short sighted at this point.
I mean, I just got my first smartphone, and it pretty much completely replaces my need for a laptop. Sure, not quite as convienient as a laptop for some workloads, but for me personally it can do everything I was doing on my laptop, plus taking the place of my GPS, phone, camera, video camera, and mp3 player, while getting better battery life than all of the above, and being smaller than most of the above. For web browsing and multimedia it is more capable than a 2 year old netbook, while offering so much more.
Desktops will stick around because you simply do not use a desktop for the same things you use a laptop for. You do not use a laptop for high end gaming, or as a file server, or for extreme workloads like HD video editing, or things that require a lot of screen realestate. You CAN get a laptop to do all of those things... it is just super expensive, and you end up with a pretty heavy laptop.
But what happens when you start getting lightpeak (or some similar) connectivity on a phone? All of the sudden you would have a phone... which can attach to a NAS, or a real GPU with big displays, or whatever you want. Once you can do that then the traditional desktop becomes a glorified dock for your phone. The phone holds the OS, programs, and some bulk storage, and then the dock-like device would offer the processing power, and true mass storage, to be able to use your phone LIKE a desktop. It will not happen overnight, but it will start to happen in the next few years.
When people talk about the desktop dying, they do not mean that the big screen, and keyboard, and mouse go away, but that smaller devices will be able to either provide, or at least host, the desktop experience. we already saw the first dockable phone come out in 2011. Just a matter of time until that gets taken to the next level.