Touchscreen for Win8 or no?

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Sep 3, 2011
I'm debating about getting a new laptop in the near future and I quite like the HP DV6, DV6t, and DV6t-se laptops. I'm still trying to figure out the difference between them because HP's site just gives you a boat load of useless advertizing blabber and hardly tells you anything useful. :non: Anyways, my question is with Win8 being developed for a touchscreen and all, might it be worth it to spend another $100 or so for a touchscreen laptop rather than just a normal one? I'm a Comp Sci major at K-State, so part of the equation may be to get the touchscreen if for no other reason than to be on top of the current technology no matter how dumb and useless it may seem for when I get my career or internship started.

On a bit of a side note, I've already downloaded Win8, but have left it sitting for weeks. From what I've seen and read, it looks too much like a phone UI squashed on top of Win7, which seems just dumb, so I'm not really in a hurry to install it at all.
I also thought of another thing. For you tablet guys, do you have to clean your screen every 3 minutes because of fingerprints? If fingerprints are going to add to the equation much, I'll probably just skip Win8 all together and hang on to Win7 until the next version comes out.
It's far too early to tell for sure. Basically, if you get a touchscreen, you'll definitely have access to more features in Win8. The main question is if those features are worth the extra cost of the touchscreen, and we won't really know that for at least a few more months. It's also more of a personal decision - do you find touchscreens appealing, or think they're just a fad?
I think it might be kinda cool every now and then, but so far, I haven't even been close to justifying one and tablets just don't really excite me much. I currently have a DV6000 (yes, I upgraded the cooling on it :sol: ) and I've never wished it had a touchscreen, but if touchscreen is where the market is going, I should probably stay on top of it since it's kinda my major and all. Plus it's always fun to get a new 'puter to tinker with. :bounce:
Touch screen for tablet is a must because you only have the screen for input. But for laptop, you have a physical keyboard on a horizontal plane and the screen on a vertical plane. The touchpad is just towards the user on the same plane as the keyboard so no much movement is require for switching between clicking and typing. You will have to lift your hand to touch select things on screen and I think you will find it annoying switching between typing and clicking. The touch screen is really only good for task using a lot of clicking on a laptop like web browsing. Not really good for text editing because of switching, I don't think it has the precision for photo editing and most definitely not for gaming.
Go for the Acer one with Dual Touch Screens as the keyboard and the main screen.
If you install that Download you have onto one of them, it'll drive you crazy. The thing is, you have downloaded something which you are not willing to try out, from my point of view, that was a waste of internet Bandwidth, if you don't utilize it, spending that extra 100 bucks is like investing in the future.
It'll be well worth the extra spent even if Win 8 was to scrap the touch.
This would be Ideal for Win 8, Samsung Announces New Series 7 All-in-One PC

Though a little Pricey, I wonder if they'll sell them without the OS.

Although I have my doubts about the gaming ability of this rig, but it sure does look cute.
Hell's with Win 8 this would be quiet a setup in the room.
Do you if the screen can be pressed down flat and face-up?

Oh, wait, stupid question. I read it again and it does. Now that's a real desktop design that consider touch as input seriously. Vertical screen with touch hurts my shoulder and elbow.

Even better if it can be controlled to rise and recline with a switch, like the car window.
I think it does. It says:

"The full flat design enables users to lay the PC all the way down, creating a full horizontal touch interface, perfect for gaming, using art and design programs or inviting a large group to gather around the screen to view content."

Look at the hinge, it looks adjustable. The desktop looks like a laptop without keyboard and with the screen on the opposite side.

Reminds me of those laptop with a twist fold hinge to turn into a tablet.
Yeah it says that but then how do they plan to balance it since the base if going to cover only a quarter of the screens backside?
Twisting it isn't an option.
And if you were to push the display down and pull the base towards you, the L shape , protruding part, where the DVD drive is , is not going to let it go all the way down.
I know twist is not an option. I am just saying it because it looks like a twist hinge laptop when the screen is twist backward and left unfolded.

I think it is a fold and slide to make the base centre under the screen.

I am not quite sure what you mean by DVD not let it go all the way down.

Nothing's impossible, if they have manufactured it, they might have tested it too. Or else, it wouldn't have been available in the market to be sold already..!!

Or there might be something behind the display body, almost at the top, to balance it when its folded, almost like a stand, a protrusion, or a bulge maybe..!
Also alyoshka, I don't think the base is really that small. Look at the keyboard, it is full size right and look how it is smaller then the base. I think it is just really bad scaling of the image, or photoshopped on purpose to maximised the screen and to minimise the chunky bit at the base, which I think is very likely for advertising purpose.
So screen is 22.15x15 and base is 22.15x9. That means there will be over hanging of 3 inches on both side if they centre the screen with the base. A big area of the screen is still over and supported by the base so I don't think there will be a balance problem. Where do you think they have the speaker. If they have it on the bit where it can be fold up, the sound will be muffled.
wait, may be the over hanging is the place where the speaker is.

On second thought, it doesn't make sense because it is on the top and bottom of the screen, unless it is split into 2 top overhang corners for stereo and 1 big overhang on bottom for sub. But they only have stereo, so the sub is not there.
Engineers/designers in Samsung must put a lot of thought into how to make the screen lie flat.

I just got the news that Apple will not settle the Galaxy Tab case out of court in Australia and Samsung is thinking of not selling them in Australia.
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