TP-Link Powerline adaptor randomly disconnects from internet


Sep 5, 2016
As the title suggests, i have a powerline networking adaptor and it likes to randomly disconnect from the internet multiple times during the day, my work-around for it is to disconnect the RJ-45 cable from it and re-connect it, this will either bring back the connection immediately, or will take a few seconds

I should mention that i'm not sure if it looses connection to just the internet or the entire home network, i haven't tried doing any local networking stuff like transfer files via the local home network, however it won't be long before it does the same thing again so i can just test it out

This happens to all computers that use powerlines in the house, it happens to all of them but not at the same time, one may disconnect and the other will still be connected, there is one transmitter and three receivers, rest of the devices are connected wirelessly

When i first installed them to avoid wireless since it wasn't working out well for me, they were working perfectly, absolutely no faults at all, then when i left to Greece for the summer and came back on October, it started happening, it's not a big deal since it doesn't take much effort to fix it, however it can be quite irritating

What could the problem be? Any ideas?
Thank you
I am not greatly knowledgeable in this but,

I know the more power-line adapters you use in your house the more interference is created. I have only had complete success with 2 adapters on the same electrical circuit, or breaker. When they go over to different circuits that can cause problems, and when there are items with a large power draw like a refrigerator, connections have a chance of getting interference.

I see that you originally did not have problems. Have you added any appliances or new electronics in between where the connections meet? Have you added additional adapters? Or have you moved the location of the adapters?
Nope, i haven't added anything new, in fact i even reduced power draw by replacing every bulb in the house with LEDs

So not quite sure what the problem is, i did replace the transmitter and so far the problem hasn't popped up again, although it's too early to make any conclusions

Powerlines are very convenient, i like them alot and i would never replace them for wireless, i had wireless and it was terrible, the walls of the house was making unbelivable interference and how weak the router was transmitting the signal did not help, i couldn't change the router either because my ISP won't allow it, so wireless isn't a very good option, thats why i absolutely have to connect via a wired connection