Question TP-Link USB Adapter Keeps Not Being Recognized and Have to Reinstall Each Time


May 7, 2015
I have a TP-Link wireless USB adapter, and recently changed to a new computer. The adapter is malfunctioning, and I don't know if it's the adapter or my computer or something else.

The adapter was fine the first week, but now throughout the day I'll get a "USB device not recognized" error notification and the adapter will stop working. I haven't noticed a pattern to when it does this.

When the adapter crashes, I have to go into Device Manager and find it either under Network adapters (with an error symbol) or under USB Controllers (says unrecognized). I then have to uninstall the device, unplug the adapter, and keep replugging it until it gets recognized as an adapter. Sometimes I have to reenter my Wifi's password to get online, sometimes I don't.

FWIW, I do have an installed wifi adapter but it's not working correctly for some reason (figuring that out as well). Maybe that conflicts or something?

Any help appreciated.


Nov 5, 2015
What model and what version? TP-link adapter could have same model but different versions using different chipsets. Did you download and install the correct driver?

How old is the adapter? It could be dying.

Did you try different USB ports? Was it plugged in a usb hub or directly on motherboard's usb ports?

Post your VID and PID

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Start by manually downloading the adapter drivers directly from TP-Link's website. Install and configure as applicable. No third party tools or installers.

Ensure that the source website is really TP-Link. Just because "TP-Link" appears in the path name does not mean that the website is TP-Link

= = = =

Regarding: "I haven't noticed a pattern to when it does this."

Open Reliability History/Monitor to look for error codes, warnings, and even informational events just before or at the time of the adapter crashes.

Reliability History/Monitor is user friendly and presents a timeline format that can reveal patterns.

You can also look in Update History for any failed or problem updates.