My mobo has 2 switches on it both disabled by default, but I'm not sure if I should keep it that way. One is the TPU switch which has 3 positions: disabled, CPU ratio boost, and CPU BCLK and Ratio Boost. I have an i7-4770k at the factory 3.5MHz and I have 2400 Tridents with XMP enabled. Should I leave that switch disabled or should I switch it to one of the ON settings to get the best performance? Or will it not make a difference since I'm not currently OCing (besides the slight OC the i7 comes with)
Also, the EPU switch "automatically detects the current PC loadings and intelligently moderates the power consumption" when turned on. Should I leave this off to get the best performance (this is a gaming set up) or should I turn it on?
Thanks in advance, this is my first build and I thought I knew what I was doing but I never encountered these switches in the builds I watched online so I'm not sure how to proceed.
Also, the EPU switch "automatically detects the current PC loadings and intelligently moderates the power consumption" when turned on. Should I leave this off to get the best performance (this is a gaming set up) or should I turn it on?
Thanks in advance, this is my first build and I thought I knew what I was doing but I never encountered these switches in the builds I watched online so I'm not sure how to proceed.