Transfer from 64 bit to 32 bit?


Sep 19, 2010
I am not technically minded as you can see, my old laptop is running Windows 7 and has both 64 bit and 32 bit.Bought another laptop with only 32 bit. Just found out that Windows Easy Transfer will not work, is there anything at all I can do besides getting annoyed which is a waste of time. Any hints?
Why won't Windows Easy transfer work? I made a transfer file in Windows XP x86 (32 bit) and it worked perfectly on a x64 install of Windows 7. Are you having trouble with the x86 install not being able to read the x64 transfer file?
If that is the case, then you might be out of luck. One thing you can try is going to C:/Windows/System 32/Migwiz and selecting the migwiz.exe from there. It might help to create an x86 version of the file but it might not.