Transfer Windows 10 OEM from HDD to SSD

Lil Penguin

Jul 25, 2015
I have a prebuilt PC with Windows 10 installed on it. I want to upgrade the boot HDD to an SSD. Is it possible to do such a thing? If so, how do I transfer the OEM windows 10 from the HDD to SSD?

If done correctly, yes.
There are ways to screw it up, but if you follow the directions, it usually works.

Macrium Reflect is my goto application for this.

1. What size is the new SSD?
2. How much total used space is on the current C partition?

The new SSD is going to be 250 GB but I will still keep my current Hard Drive as storage.

The answer to #2 dictates whether you can do a clone operation, or whether you need to do a full reinstall on the new drive.

Right now the C partition has 228 GB used.

If you can get that to well below 200GB, then a clone operation might be considered.

How much of that is doc/music/funny cat videos?

I can reinstall most of my games which take up most of that 228 GB.

I've heard that windows doesn't work after cloning.

You've heard wrong, or heard it from people who did it wrong.

My current HTPC/house server is a clone from HDD to SSD. (Win 10)
My wifes PC is a clone from HDD to SSD. Win 8.1)
My main PC is a clone from one drive to another, and is about to have that done again. (Win 8.1 Pro, soon to be WIn 10 Pro)

So if I just get my current HDD under 200 GB and clone it to SSD it will work without any windows activation or stuff like that?

If done correctly, yes.
There are ways to screw it up, but if you follow the directions, it usually works.

Macrium Reflect is my goto application for this.

If I manage to screw up the cloning will the original HDD still work like before the cloning?