Translating BugCheckCode - Kernel-41 Error


Feb 28, 2015
I build my first gaming pc back in February and 4 weeks after, using windows 8.1, it started getting random shut downs. Back then I found out that it was a kernel-41 issue but I never figured out how to solve it. The computer would freeze at random times (whithout showing a blue screen), forcing me to hold the power button in until i could force shutdown. The issue occurred very randomly, from 2-3 times a day to once every couple of months.

I tested the following back then:
Temperatures: fine
Ramtest(using software): fine
CPU test: fine
GPU test: fine
Driver updates
BIOS updates
Turning off "Automatically Restart" option in advanced settings
- nothing worked.

I then updated to windows 10 and thought that the issue was solved - until now.

My rig:
CASE: Fractal Design Define R5 Black
MOBO: ASRock H97 Anniversary, Socket-1150
CPU: Intel Core i7-4790 3.6 Ghz
RAM: HyperX Fury DDR3 1866MHz 16GB Blue
GPU: EVGA GeForce GTX 970 4GB PhysX CUDA
PSU: XFX ProSeries XXX Edition 650W
SSD: Samsung 850 EVO 120GB
HDD: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 7,200 RPM.

The event seems to occur mostly when i play World of Warcraft while having Spotify and google chrome running on my second monitor.

Info on the event (3 events in the last 7 days, parameters 1-4 changes values, but bugcheckcode remains the same):

Event 41, Kernel-Power. Task (63)

From the computer log:

BugcheckCode 270
BugcheckParameter1 0x2e
BugcheckParameter2 0xffffc0013db2cdf0
BugcheckParameter3 0xffffc0012faf81d0
BugcheckParameter4 0xffffd000276f1730
SleepInProgress 0
PowerButtonTimestamp 0
BootAppStatus 0

I have searched a ton of different forums, and every time i see the kernel-41, the bugcheckcode is 0. That made me wonder what the bugcode meant, but I can't seem to translate it into terms i understand.
From what I've gathered, the bugcode 270 can either mean that theres a problem with my ram or drivers - but the Microsoft help pages told me to translate the bugcode from decimal to hex - the value i found was 10E - whatever that means!

Link to microsofts page of the event:

Can anyone tell me what the bugcheckcode means and what i can do next? I don't have access to a second PSU that i can test with, nor RAM.

Sorry about the english skills - let me know if you need additional info 🙂

All Event 41, Kernel-Power means is that Windows restarted when it was supposed to. Down load who crashed and look at the minidump that was created. That will be able to provide more information into the root cause. The mini dump should be located in your windows folder.
I used Bluescreenview in order to check out the minidump.

The Bugcheckcode is 0x10E. When i searched for it on the internet, the following result showed up:


From the page:
"The VIDEO_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT_INTERNAL bug check has a value of 0x0000010E. This indicates that the video memory manager has encountered a condition that it is unable to recover from."

It said to check Parameter 1, since that is the only important one when trying to figure out the problem.

My parameter 1 is: "00000000`0000002e" in bluescreenview - or as you can see above: 0x2e.

I could not locate this parameter on the webpage. Any ideas?
Next you will need to see what was loaded in the memory at the time of the crash. One of these programs will most likely be the cause of the problem but i don't think you'll be able to get that from the minidump you will need to get it from the full and\or kernel dump that may have been created. That file will also be created in the Windows directory and it should be much larger in size.
I am not able to load any dump files other than the one above. To be sure i downloaded who crashed - it loads up the same file and says the following:

"On Tue 15-09-2015 14:58:58 GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\WINDOWS\memory.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: Unknown (0xFFFFC0001E517250)
Bugcheck code: 0x10E (0x2E, 0xFFFFC0001E517250, 0xFFFFC00026B23C80, 0xFFFFD001061A4730)
Bug check description: This indicates that the video memory manager has encountered a condition that it is unable to recover from.
A third party driver was identified as the probable root cause of this system error.

The only answer it gives is that one of my drivers could be the problem - i only find that hard to believe, since i regularly update all drivers, including BIOS...
You have all the correct information to help figure out your problem but what you don't have is the information on what was loaded in your memory at the time of the crash. Go to Computer Properties, click on advanced system settings and then start up and recovery. Click on the settings icon and where it says Write debugging information change it to either full or kernel dump. The next time your PC has a BSOD it will create the larger dump file that will contain the drivers that were loaded at the time of the crash.