News Translucent orange Web3 gaming handheld mines and stores tokens while you game, will cost $500


Jul 9, 2014
However, this can still be done for much cheaper, and the Steam Deck OLED starts at $549 more.
I'm guessing that was supposed to be either "is $549" or "starts at $49 more"?

Ordz also claims that tokens can be mined simply by leaving the device running
This seems so many levels of dumb.
1. To preserve the battery life you want a mobile device to not draw unnecessary power, especially in standby
2. A mobile device is subject to losing connectivity, so it might not be able to reliably fetch or submit new work
3. Mobile devices use low-power hardware, so you'd be badly outperformed in mining by any fixed hardware to the point of worthlessness
3.1. If you make your own fork just for low-power devices, it's instantly a huge target for anyone who can exploit a bigger rig into the mining
3.2 If you do make a new chain just to be mined by low-power devices, and it somehow doesn't get exploited, it won't necessarily be useful for anything (and thus not worth anything)

And beyond the technical types of dumb, NFTs are mostly dead and Web3 hype has been replaced with AI hype, so you've thoroughly missed the boat on this grift.
With more 200 usd you can purchase the stupid fast power bank with 40.000mah, can delivery all mining you need trough your day. Comes with manual, cables with pure cooper and certified for unlimited power.