Transmission Coolent Line leak at radiator.


Jan 1, 2015
Just as the title says, I have located a leak at the point where the transmission line connects to the radiator. It only leaks while the engine is running (or shortly after it is turned off) so im assuming is pressure based. Its not spewing about like a hose, but it does seem to have a steady drip. I refilled my transmission fluid to the appropriate level, and added the same appropriate level of BlueDevil transmission sealant (as it seemed to be the highest rated one I could find during my research).

The bottle states that it takes up to 100 miles to fully do its job, but I was wondering if this will seal the coolant line leak. Some sources says it does, and others say it doesn't.

And if it doesn't, would radiator coolant leak repair work? Or is that of its own piping?
I'm guessing the lower line on the radiator? Your transmission uses it as a cool, some cars have separate transmission coolers, others have it built into the engine's radiator. If the car isn't running, then nothing is being pushed through it, hence why it only leaks when turned on. I don't think the sealant will do much in your case, that'll usually help out with leaks you can't reach in some of the gaskets.

The coolant leak repair won't work because you're not leaking coolant, you're leaking transmission fluid. (from what I gathered from your description) If the fluid is red, that's tranny fluid.

Could just need to simply tighten the connection. Is this a hard line or a rubber hose? If you can't find a solution, any shop should be able to fix it easily enough for you.

Its a hardline, I tightned the connector a bit, and it stopped leaking but still seems to seep out just a little.