Treasures or Trash? 5 PC Cases for Gamers

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When it comes to PC gaming cases, there are huge quality gaps between what is out there. The amount of money you spend does not necessarily translate into better quality, either. Unfortunatley, it is difficult to find some gems among so-called gaming boxes made too-often on the cheap.

Treasures or Trash? 5 PC Cases for Gamers : Read more


Mar 5, 2010
I have owned this case previously until a guest "borrowed" (???!!!!) my computer for a few days and I loved it. I had a black one ane my son has the red one. They are absolutely beautiful and although I do not know very much about computer cases I can say that personally neither my son nor I received our cases in anything but a pristine condition. My children gave me this case after my first stroke and I used it and it's components for over 3 years. I play everquest, everquest2,WoW and had over 150 games from GameHouse and BigFishGames on it and it ran perfectly. In my humble opinion, I think it is worth every cent plus more. Not to be argumentative at all, just voicing my opinion 8)
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