Tri SLi worth it?


Dec 31, 2013
Was thinking of having three 780ti's, but not sure if games scale very well with it. You guys think newer games like far cry 4 and wither 3 will support tri sli?

then dont get the third one, it wont scale good. Its better to wait for 800 series and then if u think u r not getting required performance then sell them and get 880 sli.
best not do that... they might not support it, they might support it bad... and only for a ferw games? you get less out of a 3d card than out of the 2nd thats for sure...

if you are playing on 4k then you dont realy need it... even, even if you wont be able to run ultra with antialiasing or all that... the resolution is so outstanding that it shouldnt even bother you that much... what do you think?
If they support SLI they should support Tri SLI (should in this case, means they are listed as supporting). It wont be the best though. With each card added the performance gained is lessened.
For 4k you would need something with more Vram. I would say if you do end up getting a 4k monitor try 2 cards. Past that you would hit a vram wall more likely than graphics horsepower. (Titan Blacks might work better) Its the same base card architecture with more vram attached.

I also wouldnt recommend 4k right now. Its far too expensive, and not necessary yet.
effectively with 4k you are doubleing the pixels of 1080p... soo the image will be very sharp without fancy AA effects...

also do not rush to get it, if there is a need when the games do come out... ge it then, there might be a sale, they might drop in price...
double sli with 780 ti is fine...

to be straight do you have one 780ti or two or none yet?

if you are just planning, I beg you to wait a little for nvidia 800 series, and yes, a little more vram... like 4gb and above...
4k is 4 times the pixels (Not twice as another poster said) FOUR times the pixels, and the reality of it is that 4k is still too new to be all that gravy. Stick to 1440P and a good video card, then when it becomes more mainstream and games are programmed for it (right now you'd just be upscaling for what it's worth) You need content to make it worthwhile. Here's my take, If you're a twitch gamer you're going for frames per second, if you want the clearest picture possible go with an IPS panel, not the fastest, but the best looking right now. A good IPS panel is worth more than a crappy 4k panel. For the frames per second, get a high refresh rate panel. The 144Hz are coming down in price and beginning to gain a foothold now. If you don't need the refresh rate, get an IPS. Save the money. Take your girl (or guy, not trying to judge or guess which you are) out to the movies. 4K is the same as 1080P a few years ago, you might have the best resolution in the world, but if all your channels are in standard def, it's gonna look like crap.

Four times the pixels. Double in Height, and double in width, that's four times.

pardon, my bad

then dont get the third one, it wont scale good. Its better to wait for 800 series and then if u think u r not getting required performance then sell them and get 880 sli.
nah, no 4k here lol. 120z 1080p monitor which looks amazing with two ti's as of right now. If only the third GPU would provide even better results. Guess i'll wait until maxwells 20nm are released and see whats up then